2023: Umahi insists on South East producing President



Governor of Ebonyi State, Chief Dave Umahi, has insisted that South East should be allowed to produce the next President of Nigeria for justice equity and fairness.

Umahi said South East cannot be ruled out in the area issue of equity, fairness and justice for the Presidential position of the country and should be allowed and supported to produce the President of the country in 2023.

He spoke on Saturday in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State capital, while addressing Central Working Committee (CWC) of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and that of Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) who were in the state for their quarterly meeting.

He called on the people of the country to not only consider equity and justice in choosing the next President of the country but to also look into the credentials, performances, capabilities and experience of all those angling to be President next year, insisting that only the best is good for the country at the moment.

He challenged journalists to project only good materials for the people to make their choices in the general election and called on the electorate to reject moneybag politicians and the actors.

Umahi said: “My heart bleeds for this country, to be very frank because in this quest to be the candidates of various parties, I got exposed to the nakedness of this country and the insincerity of this country and I saw a people that are driven by money. The measure of how strong you are is driven by how much you have and I began to ask question, where did all these monies come from? Which of us has companies before? Which of us has N100 million before?

“When we talk about capacities and qualities of who can take this country to the next level and I said look, it comes to the issue of equity, fairness and justice, you cannot rule out south east and you began to say who are the people that are capable to rule this country? And I said okay, let us leave out the issue of fairness, equity and justice.

“There is what called gratification infraction ratio and that is the all you have gotten, public funds over the time tables you have delivered. Let’s see how you were and I see some of very insincere. You have put in nothing and yet you are deceiving Nigerians and I thought that by now, Nigerians should be tired of promises”.

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