Russian battalion wiped out in Ukraine



A Russian battalion lost almost all of its armoured vehicles in a failed attempt to cross a river near Severodonetsk in eastern Ukraine, the UK says

Images from the scene show dozens of burnt-out tanks after Ukrainian forces shelled pontoon bridges across the Siversky Donets in Luhansk region

Russia began its crossing attempt on 8 May, transporting two companies of soldiers and 30 units of equipment, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers, according to Ukrainian information service InformNapalm.

As soon as they crossed, Ukrainian forces destroyed the pontoon bridge in the water, and Russian troops “fell into the trap”, it said.

The Russian military suffered heavy losses and many troops tried to escape and swim to the other shore but Ukrainian military immediately opened fire on them, it added.

It said a tank that tried to drive on to the pontoon bridge in the water was fired on and “rolled over” on its side, and others were destroyed, adding that crew members drowned.

More than 70 units of Russian military equipment were lost as a result of the unsuccessful crossing and Ukraine claims more than 1,000 soldiers could have been killed.

The UK’s Ministry of Defence says the incident reveals the pressure Russian commanders are under to make progress

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss says Vladimir Putin is “humiliating himself on the world stage” and calls for tougher sanctions on Moscow

Speaking at a G7 meeting, she says sanctions should not be eased until all Russian troops have left Ukraine

Meanwhile, a Russian soldier is due to stand trial today for killing an unarmed Ukrainian civilian – the first alleged war crime case since the war began. (Pieced together from BBC reports)

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