Ondo APC members block highway over alleged imposition plot



Members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Odigbo local government area have staged a peaceful protest over alleged plot to impose am unpopular aspirant for the Odigbo constituency 1 in Ondo Assembly.

They blocked the busy Akure-Ore-Okitipupa highway, causing heavy vehicular traffic.

Leader of APC in Ajue Ward, Odigbo local government, Mr. Omosuyi Adelegan, said the protest was to stop alleged plans to impose one Tunji Fabiyi as sole candidate of the party for the Odigbo 1 constituency.

“We heard some persons have come to hijack the party primary processes. That is why we are protesting. We do not want imposition. They are trying to impose somebody from Kwara State. The person they are trying to impose have been a Special Assistant but we have not seen him here for the past four years. We want the party leaders to listen to us. We do not want imposition,” he said.

An APC woman leader in the area, Ms Omosuyi Kehinde, said the protest was to stop a stranger from representing them in the State Assembly, adding that, “e do not want a stranger to represent us. The man we want has been doing empowerment for the people.”

But Fabiyi, who denied plotting to be imposed as sole candidate of the party, said he was prepared for the primary.

Fabiyi stated that his forefathers had lived in Ajue for many years and he had held several political positions, including winning election as a councillor.  (The Nation)

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