Angry para-athletes prevented from razing Dan Anyiam Stadium


Angry para-athletes in Owerri protesting their non-inclusion to the 1st National Para Sports game scheduled for Abuja almost set the Dan Anyiam Stadium on fire after they were left out of the contingents to the competition.

A source who disclosed this to our correspondent said that the athletes who were deceived by their crew in the early hours of Saturday to freshen up at the stadium before heading to the games came out to discover that they have been left behind.

In anger, the physically challenged athletes attempted to raze the stadium but were quickly calmed by some of their handlers with an amount of N10,000 given to them on the spot to assuage their anger.

When contacted, the state Commissioner for Sports, Dan Ogu, acknowledged that some of the athletes were mobilised to go while the physically challenged ones were pacified with the amount to stay back. (Saturday Sun)

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