NIMC lists available enrolment centres to ease congestion over SIM blockage


The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), has informed that it has over 15,000 centres across the 36 states if the Federation and the FCT for continuous enrolment of eligible Nigerians and legal residents for the National Identification Number (NIN).

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the commission added that over 150 centers in 40 countries in the Diaspora exist and urged interested enrollees to click on the Commission’s link to check the NIN enrolment center closer to them.

The information is meant to help citizens who are affected by the implementation of Federal government’s directives to telcos to block all unlinked Sim cards find solution to their problems.
The statement reads in part: “Please be informed that the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has over fifteen thousand (15,000) NIN enrolment centers across the 36 States and the FCT.

“There are over 150 centers in 40 countries in the Diaspora. Kindly, click on the link to check the NIN enrolment center closer to you.
The statement followed the compliance by telecom service providers on the Federal Government’s directive on Monday that all unlinked Sim cards be blocked for outgoing calls and SMS.

This came months after several postponements of the deadline by the Federal government to enable every subscriber link his or her Sim card to the NIN
Investigation revealed that over 73 million telecom subscribers are currently facing the barn due to their failure to link their Sim cards with their NIN.

A visit to some of the service centres of the telcos showed a large crowd of subscribers scrambling to link their Sim cards and to unblock their lines. (Vanguard)

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