Alleged sexual assault: Survivor, gov’s special assistant in N750m court battle


Two former classmates at Olashore  International School, Iloko-Ijesha, Osun State, Obiamaka Azubike and Okwuehi Ogboi, have dragged themselves before a Lagos High Court over alleged sexual and physical assault claim and its aftermath.

Azubike is seeking an apology in five national dailies and two social media platforms, including Instagram and N510 million as damages from Ogboi for the alleged sexual and physical assault she suffered from 13 of her schoolmates in 2004, when she was the school’s Public Relations Prefect.

Ogboi, a Senior Special Adviser to the Delta State Governor on Special Duties and also a former school prefect, is seeking N250 million from Azubike for the alleged severe injury he suffered because of Azubike’s alleged defamatory publications against him.

In her statement of defence to Ogboi’s suit, Azubike alleged that the incident occurred on the night of May 1, 2004.

She said: “While the defendant (Azubike) and her friend were heading back to their hostel that night, the defendant was sexually assaulted by 13 of her male classmates, including the claimant, as they all inserted their hands, gripping and thrusting into all the sensitive parts of her body with utmost disregard and as well laughing at her tears till help came.“She managed to run while the assaulters, including the claimant, chased her but when they realised that she was headed towards Dr Burgess, the school principal’s residence, they all tactically withdrew.”

She alleged that the school failed to inform her parents or the police of the incident and generally handled the matter poorly, including trying to cover up the incident by accusing her of lying, taking a “boys’ only route” and punishing her with her assaulters.

Azubike is represented by Funmi Falana, Folakemi Falana and Taiwo Olawanle, while Ogboi is represented by Adeola Owoade.

The defendant is counterclaiming N240 million as general damages, N250 million as special damages and N10 million as the cost of the suit.

Azubike is asking the court to declare that the claimant (Ogboi) played a key role in both sexual and physical assault of the defendant and as such was not fit and proper to hold any public office in Nigeria.

But in his statement of claim, Ogboi described Azubike’s publications of the incident on social media as false and libellous.

He is also seeking a perpetual injunction restraining the defendant from any further publication of the defamatory words, a “retraction of the libellous posts and a letter of apology.”

Furthermore, he is seeking general damages of N250 million as well as costs of the suit. (Vanguard)

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