Nigeria to host 75 nuclear experts at 2022 atomic energy summit


Nigeria, in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), is set to host 75 nuclear experts from 46 African nations at the 2022 atomic energy summit.

The event doubles as the annual regional meeting of National Liaison Officers (NLOs) and National Coordinators of the African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA) of African Member States.

The event holds from Monday March 21 to 25 March 2022 in Abuja.

It is aimed at appraising the implementation and impact of the applications of nuclear science and technology in the areas of nuclear medicine, water resources, agriculture, power etc. in Africa through the Technical Cooperation Programmes (TCP) of the IAEA.

The 2022 meeting is expected to deliberate across diplomatic, policy, strategic and programme- level issues that are relevant to the roles of the NLOs in the Management of the TCP. The meeting will review IAEA member States’ process workflows, programme management tools and leadership approaches. It will provide a platform for learning, sharing of best practices, and peer-to-peer collaboration. The meeting will also expose attendees to new knowledge and technologies in the application of nuclear science and technology for peaceful purposes.

The Federal Government has been exploring wider sources of cleaner and renewable energy which nuclear technology provides. (Sunday Sun)

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