Ondo OPC leader remanded for disrupting worship at mosque


A Magistrate Court sitting in Akure, the Ondo state capital, has ordered the remand of a leader of the Oodua People Congress (OPC), in Akure, identified as Temitope Alo, to the Correctional Centre for disrupting religious worship at the Akure Central Mosque.

Alo and some members of his gang were alleged to have flogged one Akeem Aminu, inflicting bodily injuries on him with a cutlass

He was arraigned on five count charges bothering on assault and conduct capable of causing a breach of the public peace, but the accused pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The Police Prosecutor, Inspector Abdulateef Suliaman said the defendant and others at large committed the offence at about 2:30 pm on March 13, 2022, at Central Mosque Oja-Oba in Akure.

He explained that the victim who was at the venue as the traffic controller of the mosque was beaten and injured with a cutlass, sustaining serious injury and now in a critical condition at the police clinic.

He stated that the disorderly manner caused a breach of peace in the town and made the worshippers run helter-skelter for their dear lives.

He said the offence contravenes Sections 519, 252,351, 249(d), 205(2), and 206 of the Criminal Code, Cap 37, Vol. 1, Laws of Ondo State, 2016.

The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges preferred against him while his Counsel, Femi Adetoye applied for his bail, promising that he would not jump bail.

Presiding Magistrate, N.K Aladejana, ordered the remand of the defendant at the Correctional Centre and adjourned the case to March 24, 2020, for hearing. (Nigerian Tribune)

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