Boundary war: One dead, vigilante, task-force chair, others hospitalized in Delta


There was pandemonium in Aboh-Ogwashi-Uku in Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State Monday as the boundary dispute between Ogwashi-Uku and Ibusa in Oshimili North Council Area assumed a dangerous twist.

A member of Aboh-Ogwashi Vigilante group, one Chukwuwike Alawo, was killed; the Chairman of the town’s Land Recovery Task Force, Mr Nnamdi Nwaebonnor and four others sustained bullet wounds.

This came two weeks after the monarch of Ogwashi-Uku, Obi Ifechukwude Okonjo, the younger brother of the former Minister of Finance, Dr Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, raised the alarm that Ibusa youths were parading ‘bogus litigation plans’ and trespassing into his domain.

But the traditional head of Aboh-Ogwashi, the Okwagbani, Barr. Jude Obidi, in Asaba Monday lamented the onslaught and said it was an unprovoked attacked by land speculators which claimed a life and left others injured.

He said few minutes after he received a distress call from Nnamdi and reported to the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in Ogwashi-Uku, the vigilante head called that the attackers had mobilized and were shooting sporadically. (New Telegraph)

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