Bamise: Hunt for other culprits on — Police


The Lagos State Police Command has said investigations in the abduction and murder of 22-year-old fashion designer, Oluwabamise Ayanwole, were on notwithstanding the arraignment of the prime suspect, Andrew Nice Omininikoron.

Police spokesman, CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu, made the clarification during a briefing at the Command Headquarters on Monday afternoon.

Confirming that other accomplices of the suspect BRT driver were still at large, Ajisebutu said detectives were leaving no stone unturned to fish them out and bring them to justice.

He however declined to give further details on the case, insisting it would be contemptuous to speak on a matter before the court.

Ajisebutu confirmed reports that a Master of Ceremonies (MC), Emmanuel Chigozie allegedly beat his pregnant wife to death, adding that a manhunt for the fleeing suspects had commenced.

Chigozie, a resident of Okota, was said to have been in the habit of beating his wife, Itunu, at the slightest provocation.

The beating was said to have increased in their four years of marriage after the woman loaned him N2.7m and started requesting a refund.

Reports claimed that the deceased had since December nursed fears of a possible complication in her pregnancy as a result of several assaults from her husband.

Confirming the incident, Ajisebutu said the woman was rushed to the hospital where she and the baby in her womb died.

He said the suspect had since fled but efforts were on to apprehend him. (The Nation)

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