I’ll marry any man that sends me fuel — Waje


Singer, Aituaje Iruobe, popularly known as Waje has vowed to marry any man that is thoughtful enough to send her fuel in her direst moment.

As the fuel scarcity worsens with difficulty biting much harder, the Edo-born singer in an Instagram post on Friday updated those seeking her hand in marriage alongside those intending to join the list.

In her post, the 41-year-old vocalist revealed the most important item on her marriage list is 100litres of fuel although her family will gladly accept 25litres at this point.

Waje also highlighted all the lucky man stands to gain if he’s able to come through with the ‘fuel.’

She wrote: “I’ll marry any man that sends me Fuel. Seriously!!!!!”

“For those asking for my hand in marriage, the most important item on the list is 100 liters of fuel. I can manage 50………In short my family will accept 25 sef.

“Even if you did not ask, because of Fuel (what you have in your hand! Holy!) you’ll gain a God fearing, demon chasing, heaven awaiting spouse. HELP!” (The Nation)

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