13 escaped Chibok girls get admission into American University of Nigeria


Another fresh batch of 13 abducted Chibok girls who escaped from Boko Haram captivity were among the new students that performed the matriculation ceremony into the American University of Nigeria (AUN), Yola, Adamawa State.

The girls who have completed an intensive programme under the New Foundation School (NFS), were among those who took the oath of the university held on Tuesday.

They joined other new students from all the 36 states of Nigeria, Rwanda, Niger Republic and Cameroon to participate in the event.

President of AUN, Margee Ensign, extolled the merits of the American-style liberal arts education offered at AUN, which she pointed out is purposefully designed to develop solutions to local, regional, national, and global problems.

It could be recalled that last October, 57 Chibok students from AUN’s New Foundation School (NFS) were admitted into AUN’s undergraduate programmes.  (Nigerian Tribune)

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