How I almost died in kidnappers’ den — Bayelsa Commissioner


Mr. Federal Otokito, the Bayelsa State Com­missioner for Industry, Trade and Investment, who was freed by his abductors on Monday after spending five days in their custody, has said he almost lost his life in the incident.

He stated this while expressing gratitude to Governor Douye Diri, his deputy, Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo, and the se­curity agencies for their swift intervention.

Otokito was released five days after his as­sailants suspected to be crude oil thieves kid­napped him from his res­idence in his community, Otuokpoti, in the Ogbia Local Government Area of the state, on January 20.

His abductors were angry that he moved against their nefarious plan to set up an illegal camp around the commu­nity’s bush.

Upon his rescue, he was brought to Diri at the Government House, Yenagoa, on Monday eve­ning by the Commission­er of Police, Ben Okolo and the State Director of Security Services (SSS), Mohammed Abdullahi.

He had injuries on his body with swollen black eyes and plasters on his back and right arm.

Narrating his ordeal in the hands of his kid­nappers to the governor and other officials, the commissioner said he thought he would not come back home to see his children.

He said, “Your Excel­lency, I want to sincerely thank you and the deputy governor and the entire (rescue) team for inter­vening in my matter. (Daily Independent: Excludes headline)

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