Okowa disbands Delta traditional rulers council



Delta State government has announced the dissolution of the state Traditional Rulers Council led by Dr. Emmanuel Efeizomor II, the Obi of Owa.

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa dissolved the Council yesterday following a cold war between the Dein of Agbor Kingdom, Benjamin Ikenchukwu Keagborekuzi 1 of Ika South local council area and the Obi of Owa Kingdom, Dr. Emmanuel Efeizomor II of Ika North East local council area of the state.

The Dein of Agbor had accused the Obi of Owa of perpetuating himself in office as chairman of the Council, saying his tenure had long elapsed.

The Dein of Agbor had maintained that the Obi of Owa could no longer act or speak for the body, insisting that the Council of Traditional Rulers of Delta State no longer had an executive council at that point.

“No one should purport to speak for a body that is presently headless,” he maintained.

But yesterday, the state government waded into the row and dissolved the Council with immediate effect.

The Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Chief Patrick Ukah, who announced the dissolution in a letter dated January 21, 2022, said the dissolution was a sequel to the expiration of the tenure of the Council.

The announcement, signed by Ukah, read: “It is hereby announced for the information of the general public, particularly the highly esteemed traditional rulers of Delta State and Deltans in general that the Governor of Delta State, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, has approved the dissolution of the Delta State Traditional Rulers Council.”

The SSG conveyed the gratitude of the governor and Deltans to members of the defunct Council for their very impactful contributions to the governance of the state during the period of their stewardship. (The Guardian)

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