Heavy Security As Nnamdi Kanu’s Trial Resumes; supporters clash with security operatives at Abuja court


The trial of the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, has resumed amid heavy security presence has been observed around the court premises.

The Federal Government had on Monday filed fresh terrorism charges against the detained leader of the proscribed IPOB leader before the Federal High Court.

The initial seven counts bordering on treasonable felony and terrorism, against him, were increased to 15 counts.

Nnamdi Kanu will now enter his fresh plea to a 15-count amended charge marked signed by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Mohammed Abubakar.

He has been in the custody of the Department of State security service since his alleged arrest and deportation from Kenya on July 2021.

Meanwhile, supporters of Kanu in large numbers clashed with security operatives at the Federal High Court .

The supporters kept on chanting, “Holy Holy Holy, Nnamdi Kanu is another saviour”.

Some journalists who arrived at the Federal High Court to cover the proceedings were also barred from accessing the court premises.

Live Updates

10:21 am: Shuaib Labaran is leading the prosecution while Ozekhome is leading the defense.

10:21 am: Kanu is already in the dock for his plea to be taken.

10:00 am: The trial judge, Justice Binta Nyako arrives in court and proceedings commenced immediately.

09:50 am: The Leader of the Biafran Nation agitators Nnamdi Kanu stormed the courtroom of the Federal High Court in Abuja in preparation for his fresh arraignment on 15 counts of terrorism.

He was welcomed into the courtroom by four members of his family, and was later seen exchanging pleasantries with his lawyers.

9:00 am: Lead counsel to Nnamdi Kanu, Ifeanyi Ejiofor, tells journalists that Mike Ozekhome (SAN) will now lead the delegation of lawyers representing the IPOB leader.

•Based on reports by Channels TV and The PUNCH.

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