161 private security company staff protest 35 months outstanding salary by Fed Poly Bauchi


No fewer than 161 personnel of the Spider Webs Security Company of Nigeria have staged a protest against the management of Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi over the non-payment of 35 months’ outstanding salary.

Speaking during the pro­test, the Director of training and operations of the secu­rity outfit, Captain Dauda Maishanu alleged that the non-payment of the outstand­ing salary was a breach of contract agreement between the management of the com­pany and the management of the polytechnic.

Captain Maishanu said that the security company explored all avenues to get the management of the poly­technic to pay the outstand­ing salary, but there was no positive response, adding that they are now left with no other option than to embark on the protest.

“The security company had served the Rector of the Polytechnic with letters twice concerning the out­standing salary, but all efforts to resolve the issue failed”

“On 30 September 2021, the Polytechnic issued a let­ter of disengagement to the company and invited anoth­er sister security company to take over from them with­out settling the outstanding salaries. The 35 months out­standing salary patrol men comprising of male and fe­male currently serving the polytechnic amounts to over N200 million,” he said.

Captain Dauda called on the management of the Poly­technic to ensure that the backlog salaries are settled in the spirit of fairness and justice even as he pleaded with the affected person to exercise patience.

He assured them that the management of the security company is on top of the mat­ter and it will be addressed.

Also speaking, some of the protesters, Abubakar Kardam and Serah James appealed to the management of the com­pany to take the matter seri­ously, saying that the situation has put them into hardship as they can barely fend for them­selves and their families. (Daily Independent: Excluding headline)

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