2023: IBB roots for Osibanjo presidency, says he’s Nigeria’s best candidate


Former Military President, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, has endorsed Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo, for the 2023 presidency.

The elder statesman endorsed him when the Osinbajo Grassroots Organisation visited him at his Hilltop residence in Minna, Niger capital, on Thursday.

He asked Osinbajo to be resilient and contest the Presidency in 2023.

“I know the Vice-president very well. He is a good man; a man who has conviction about Nigeria; a man who can communicate with the country and inspire people. Such a man is worthy person to work with. We need good man to lead Nigeria.

“A man who has passion for this country; Nigeria is a good country; the people of Nigeria are good . You must learn to understand people and constant discussion is key. I want to convey my best wishes to the Vice-president through you. And I want you to tell him to stay on cause. I know it’s not easy but he has the conviction. I wish him the best,” he said.

Babangida told the group that he accepted to speak with them because he knows “Osinbajo has what it takes to be a good leader”.

The National Convener of the Organisation, Mr. OJo Foluso, said they were happy with IBB’s endorsement.

“We came to consult the Oracle and the Oracle has spoken. General IBB is an oracle because he understands Nigeria,” he said.

He said they would continue to mount pressure on Osinbajo to pick interest in the 2023 race.

Courtesy (excluding headline) Daily Trust

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