2023 election: Muslim-Muslim Ticket; we are monitoring situation closely, says CAN


The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has opposed the alleged plot by political parties to field a Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket in the 2023 general election.

The umbrella Christian body said adherents of the two major religions had the right to be treated fairly in the political affairs of the nation, noting that this was essential to a progressive society.

Earlier, the Northern Christian Elders Forum had warned that any political party that fielded a Muslim-Muslim ticket in the 2023 presidential poll would be massively resisted.

This came as the President, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Bishop Wale Oke, said such a move would be unacceptable to the Christian populace.

But commenting on the matter in response to an inquiry on Tuesday, CAN said it would keep its fingers crossed and continue to monitor the situation closely since no political party has officially unveiled any aspirant as its presidential candidate at the moment.

However, CAN’s Director of National Issues and Social Welfare, Bishop Stephen Adegbite, in a telephone chat in Abuja, said the apex Christian body would most likely reject a Muslim-Muslim ticket in any circumstance.

Adegbite said, “First, let me clear the air about the Northern Christian Elders Forum and their relationship to CAN. They are no longer part of us. As such, they cannot speak for Christians in Nigeria. They are a rebel group of CAN and have been suspended from CAN activities.

“Although it is too early to make a final comment on this issue of Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket in 2023 because of the sensitivity of such a narrative, the Body of Christ will most likely not accept a Muslim-Muslim ticket. Such a presidential ticket could be construed in some quarters to mean that Christians are either non-existent in the country or cannot play politics.

“But CAN will continue to let people know that there must be fair play between the adherents of the Christian and the Muslim religions, so that we will have a better environment where no one will unduly heat up the polity.

“For this reason, we will keep our fingers crossed and monitor the situation closely until the major political parties unveil their 2023 flag-bearers and tell Nigerians who their presidential candidates really are, as well as their religions. That is exactly when we can take a final stand. For now, the alleged plot of a Muslim-Muslim ticket is not official and we consider it to merely exists in the realm of rumour,” he said.


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