Kaigama chides politicians over failed campaign promises


ArchBishop, Abuja Catholic Archdiocese, Ignatius Kaigama, has berated Nigerian politicians for failing to fulfill their campaign promises once they occupy the positions being clamoured for.

In his Homily delivered at St Luke’s Parish Kubwa on Sunday in Abuja, he raised concerns that politicians were only concerned with clinching power and not the people as they claim during campaigns.

According to him, one way to make Nigeria better was for politicians and all those who claim to be engaging in religious practices, to ensure they embrace the life of service in the spirit of truth and holiness, and learn to wash the feet of one another.

He said: “Before elections, politicians will swear, promising heaven and earth to share in the social concerns of their people, but after having won, they see the people’s complaints for an improved life as a nuisance. They are unwilling to drink from the cup of suffering the people are drinking.

“With the image of the cup, Jesus assured the apostles that as leaders they would fully partake in His baptism of suffering and endure trials for the sake of the Gospel. James was later to preach the Gospel with such great courage and zeal that led to his beheading by Herod Agrippa (cf. Acts 12:2) and John suffered so much persecution that forced him into exile, giving credence to the saying that ‘no pain, no gain; no cross, no glory.’

“James and John remind us of the attitude of people with an unbridled passion for power and wealth. As we approach the 2023 elections this reality is not far from us, where many will be driven by desperation to occupy juicy positions of leadership. Power and honour in themselves are not evil, but could become a problem when we desire them in the wrong spirit.

“The eagerness of politicians to occupy strategic positions does not amount to the eagerness to serve the teeming youths, people with disabilities, widows, orphans, senior citizens, women discriminated against, children, etc., but to be served and to command power. Jesus calls us to do the opposite: ‘You know that among the pagans their so-called rulers’ lord it over them, and their great men make their authority felt. This is not to happen among you. No; anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant’ (Mk. 10:42-44).

“A good and commendable example of sensitivity to the people’s wish is the Senate rescinding its earlier decision against the electronic transmission of election results by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, to ensure credible polls.

“Leaders must learn Jesus’ humility who washed the feet of His apostles (cf. Jn. 13:13-14), to wash the feet of those they serve without lording it over them by exercising authority in a tyrannical manner. We must all shun the mentality of ‘not what you know but who you know.

“This mentality of nepotism and favouritism has unfortunately become noticeable in appointments, recruitment and admission into important institutions, etc.,” he concluded

(New Telegraph)

2 thoughts on “Kaigama chides politicians over failed campaign promises

  1. 876400 436438Have you noticed the news has changed its approach recently? What used to neve be brought up or discussed has changed. Its that time to chagnge our stance on this though. 259145

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