Woman impregnated twice by her twin brother insists on marrying him


If it were possible to turn back the hands of the clock, Amos Kunde would be the happiest man on earth. He would do anything to reverse an adventure that culminated in getting his twin sister Juliana pregnant twice, culminating in her being delivered of two babies for her twin brother.

The 29-year-old native of Guma Local Government Area, Nasarawa State is in a dilemma as he says he is thoroughly embarrassed by the development while his twin sister and mother of his two children insists that she is married to him and has reached her destination as far as marriage is concerned.

Born to the family of the late Patrick Kunde and his wife Torkwase, the family had settled in Awe LGA of Nasarawa State as farmers until the couple and other relations were killed during the farmers/herders crisis in Nasarawa State in 2013. The twins, however, survived the attacks because some merciful ones among the herdsmen who attacked their community decided to spare their lives.

Orphaned and without any formal education, Amos and Juliana adopted farming as their source of livelihood. But because of the unsafe nature of Awe area at that time, they decided to relocate to Doku, a village in Doma Local Government Area of Nasarawa State sharing border with Benue State.

For three successive farming seasons, Amos and his twin sister were blessed with good harvests, prompting their decision to stay put in the area. Although Juliana was deflowered by a boyfriend of hers who incidentally was also killed during the herdsmen attack, in Doma, she found solace in the brotherly love exhibited by Amos until the devil visited and they started an amorous relationship until Juliana became pregnant sometime in 2015.

The twins, however, tried to keep it secret and made several attempts to abort the pregnancy without success and Juliana was eventually delivered of a baby girl. The widely held belief in the community, however, was that Juliana was impregnated by someone other than her twin brother, particularly as she had told some members of the community who cared to know that the man that got her pregnant had run away.

Since the twins are not Doku indigenes, not many people in the area were really interested in whatever they chose to do with their lives. But curiousity was provoked in the village last year as Juliana took in again and came up with the same story as the first pregnancy.

As the 2021 farming season approached in April, they took advantage of the farmers/herders crisis in Doma which claimed the lives of more than 50 farmers and displaced virtually the entire inhabitants by moving to Tse Ugba village in Keana LGA of Nasarawa State to continue their farming activities.

Because Tse Ugba was a new environment and life was disrupted in many settlements around Nasarawa State during the April/May crisis, many of the people in their new settlement concluded that they were husband and wife. They settled down in the community and Juliana was delivered of a baby boy about three months ago.

The bubble however burst last week when Amos decided to take a legitimate wife from the proceeds of the farm produce they had both laboured for. He met a stiff resistance from Juliana, a nursing mother who demanded to know her fate and those of her two kids when the new wife arrives.

Unfortunately, Amos’ response to her poser was far from encouraging as he allegedly told her that it was high time she began to look for a husband, adding that he was done with her and needed a legitimate wife.

Irked that her twin brother could seek to dump her for another woman after sleeping with her to produce two kids, Juliana resolved not to have any of her brother’s antics. Both of them are now in a fix as to what to do about the ugly development since Juliana decided to spill the beans.

Our correspondent, who got wind of the development, visited their new settlement in Tse Ugba, a border community with Benue State to enquire into the scandal.

Upon his arrival in the village, the twin couple was seated under a mango tree alongside their first born baby after an intense quarrel.

How it all started

First to speak with our correspondent was Juliana who did a summary of all that had transpired between them since they started an amorous relationship. She said it started as a joke on the farm which later resulted in the both of them having sex at home later that night.

She said: “Then, we were stranded in Doma because Awe was no longer safe for us as orphans who are purely farmers. Relocating from Awe after losing our parents and relatives to herdsmen killings, we were in the farm arranging harvested yams when his trouser tore as he made to sit down to eat, and I saw his big and long manhood and smiled.

“When he noticed that I smiled, he asked why and I told him that his manhood could kill someone’s daughter. We both laughed over it.

“That same day, after we returned home from the farm, I was trying to turn food in our local kitchen in the night and he entered unnoticed to check whether all his chickens had roosted.

“I was not sitting well and did not have any underwear on as I was turning the food. I only put on a wrapper. Then he saw my private part because he was flashing a torch to check his chickens in the kitchen.

“Then he saw my pussy and shouted in appreciation of how big it was. I told him that we are twins and that we were bound to have the same features; maybe we took that from our late parents.

“The incident later resulted in sex in our thatched house. He came to my room in the night, asking for a razor blade. From there, I agreed to his request for a sex test since both of us appreciated each other’s private organs, though it was also a bid to satisfy our sexual urge since both of us had not had sex after we relocated amidst herdsmen crisis and lost contacts with our loved ones.

“But somehow, it became regular as both of us enjoyed it.”

Juliana said from that point, the affair continued and they both agreed to keep it secret. Within the period, she said, they had two kids together.

She said: “He never promised to marry another woman. What he told me was that we would make efforts to send them to school since both of us never went to school; that we were tired of moving from one settlement to another since sex was secretly involved in the relationship and he became my husband and from the blue.

“Them he suddenly came up with a plan to take a wife. I asked him about my fate and those of our two kids since the new wife would come in and may not accept the development on ground.

“I told him that with two kids, it is as good as we are married and there is no need bringing in somebody who would frustrate the kids.

“He told me and the kids to find our level. I won’t accept that. He lured me into this mess and he can’t abandon me now. His insistence on marrying a new wife without convincing me brought about the current crisis.”

Juliana also told our correspondent during a one on one conversation that she could not afford to share Amos with any woman because he is too good in bed.

She said: “He is quite good in bed. My former boyfriend, I mean the one who deflowered me in Awe but was killed by herdsmen is not anywhere near Amos in bed. He was quite gentle when we started, but what attracted me to him was the size and length of his dick. But as we move on much more regularly, I realised he was an expert in bed, and that really speeded up and tightened the relationship.

“He would throw me unto the bed, rip my clothes off and start the game in a very crazy way while slapping my boobs. He does it well and straight and did all other things to my satisfaction that it made me forget that we are brother and sister.

“He really gets me exhausted each time we play game, so I really felt bad and sad that someone else would share such with me. It is giving me a headache.”

She said she never thought that she could get pregnant when they started. “But when pregnancy came and I told him about it, we made fruitless effort to abort it to no avail. That was when we hatched this plan to keep it secret, and moving from one village to another due to herdsmen attacks helped the secret a great deal. That also took us far into the relationship.”

‘How my sister seduced me’

Amos, who reluctantly spoke with our correspondent, said his sister was the one that seduced him by always exposing herself while they worked together on the farm and whenever she was preparing food in the kitchen at home.

He said: “She knows that I always check on my chickens at night, so she would sit half naked before me. At first, it was embarrassing to me, but later I discovered that her actions were deliberate since she saw my private organ on the farm. “I noticed that her actions were an open invitation, and as a man, the devil visited me that faithful night when I needed a razor blade from her and the temptation came, leading to something else. We continued from that point with the result of two kids.

“My major reason for deciding to get married is for the woman to help me on the farm since she is nursing a baby. I didn’t mean to dump her. But she refused.

“Secondly, I did not understand how I would marry my own blood sister. It is a taboo and abomination in the land, though the thought came late. But I wanted to correct it and she is raising genuine issues about her future and the kids.

“But I thought she could get married and leave the kids with me while I remain with my wife who will take care of them, because it is a taboo. The kids may not survive in the future. That is what a friend told me and we need to correct it now.”

“I regret what happened and the shame my conduct from day one has brought to me, her and our late parents and relations. We never bargained for this when our parents and relations were murdered in cold blood by the herdsmen.”

Amos insisted that nothing would stop him from taking a new wife because he is reliably told that the children he is having with his blood sister may not survive.

“It is a taboo and abomination in the land. They may one day die mischievously. That is my fear. That is why I want to take a wife, but she does not want to understand my own views,” he added.

One of the elders in the village, Elder Kertyo Abiin, who is privy to the development, told our correspondent that what is happening is a taboo in the culture of the land.

“The two kids will not survive. It is not done anywhere. But these people are foreigners here. They only came to this place a few months ago from Doma during the crisis. But I am discussing with them to find a solution to the problem.

“He actually pleaded to keep the matter secret and resolve it without inviting security agents because there is nothing they can do as the harm has already been done long ago.

“There is nothing any security man can do, and no court in the land can resolve the issue because the relationship has already produced two kids.

“So I hope to handle it in the traditional way,” he said.

(The Nation)

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