Yahaya Bello support group disowns 2023 Bello presidential campaign posters with Femi Fani Kayode



Nigeria Youths Awareness Group for Yahaya Bello, 2023, a support group of the Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Bello for President, has distanced the Governor from a group or an individual purportedly joining Bello and Femi Fani Kayode as President and Vice President in the 2023 presidential election.

A statement by the National President of the group Alhaji Salihu Magaji explained that Governor Bello had no prior knowledge of the purported materials or having any link with the group or individuals, joining his ticket with anybody.

“Our attention has been drawn to posters and flyers designed with Governor Yahaya Bello campaign posters with Femi Fani Kayode former minister of aviation as Yahaya Bello President Kayode Vice president the pictures being circulated on social media, and was also published by online medium campaigning for 2023 presidential ambition and vice President on their behalf,” Magaji stated.

”We want to state categorically that Governor Bello has no prior knowledge of that, neither the group nor the individuals behind the posters and flyers are known to His Excellency.

”His Excellency as a responsible governor who is very sensitive to the plight and wellbeing of the citizens cannot and will not support that kind of premature intentions especially at this crucial moment ,everybody knows in politics there is procedure for everything, Vice president are normally pick after successful primary election, but how can Femi Fani Kayode that joins APC two days ago can have a joined ticket with respected democratic examplary leader Yahaya Bello without following due procedures it is not possible ”

“We want to inform all supporters of Yahaya Bello to remain calm and focused andcto understand that Governor Bello has no knowledge of the posters

”The 2023 is in the hands of the Almighty God, who is indeed the benefactor of each of His own dear ones, who alone can enthrone and dethrone and we are praying to almighty Allah to give Yahaya Bello the opportunity to become nexr president of Nigeria”. (Sunday Sun)

3 thoughts on “Yahaya Bello support group disowns 2023 Bello presidential campaign posters with Femi Fani Kayode

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