Robbers’ threat letters spark anxiety in Ogun, Osun communities


Daring armed robbers in parts of the Southwest states, including Ogun and Osun, have resorted to writing letters to residents of the areas they intend to attack, causing undue anxiety among the residents of such communities, reports KUNLE AKINRINADE in this story culled from The Nation.

Early in the month, an unusual letter caused panic in Olosan community in Leme area of Abeokuta, Ogun State. Frightened residents launched into a fit of lamentation, urging the police to save them from suspected robbers who had written a letter to tell the community to prepare for an invasion.

In the letter that was indiscreetly pasted on walls around the community, the robbers warned residents to prepare for dire consequences if the police were informed about their mission.

The hoodlums instructed the residents to keep money for them or be prepared for death if they fail to yield to their request for cash.

The notice read: “Important notice to residents of Olosan community: We the oga, oga (big bosses) are coming to greet you in no distance time (sic). If you like, you can report to the police, that does not concern us.

“Whoever we visit and refuse to give a good amount of money to us shall be killed or the person might even lose both money and his life.”

Crying out for help, the embattled residents cried: “Please help us beg them. We don’t have money. Please!”

Like the Abeokuta episode, residents of Olofa Estate, Ofatedo community in Osun State were also gripped by fear on June 24 this year after suspected robbers informed them of an impending attack unless a sum of N20 million was contributed and paid to them.

In the letters, the suspected robbers threatened to kill all the guards in the community, adding that no house would be spared during the attack.

The notice written in both Yoruba and English, read in part: “This is to inform you all that we thieves are coming to this community. We won’t spare any house or else you contribute a sum of N20m and keep it with the chairman.

“We will only visit and take the money from him. We will kill all your watchmen if they try to stop us. We are coming with full force.”

Fearful residents relocate, hire security guards

Worried by the threat letters fearful residents, among other security measures, resorted to fleeing the communities while the leadership of the communities hired the services of local guards.

Sources said that residents since then been returning home early and shutting their doors as early as possible in the evenings.

A resident of Olosan community in Abeokuta, Jamiu Alao, said: “As residents, we are troubled by the audacity of the suspected robbers.

“We don’t want to leave things to chance, hence we have encouraged ourselves to return home early and lock our doors as early as 7.30 pm.

“Although they are yet to make good their threat to invade our community, some residents have started relocating from this community.

“However, we have decided to sustain these security measures in order to protect ourselves from the robbers while we have also informed the police.”

“The landlords association has also contracted vigilance groups to protect lives and property in the community and carry out regular surveillance especially at nights.

A community leader, who asked not to be named, said the robbers’ notice unsettled the residents when it was sighted in the community.

He said that police had been patrolling the community since the notice was pasted, adding that landlords in the community too had formed a vigilance team to support the police.

Some residents of Olofa Estate in Ofatedo, Osun State where a similar notice was pasted by robbers were said to have also relocated for fear of becoming victims.

“I relocated my family to Ede because I did not want to fall victim to dare devil robbers,” a resident who spoke in confidence said.

The Field Commandant, Osun Amotekun Corps, Amitolu Shittu, had allayed fears over the development, saying:  “Although there was no formal report yet from the community, immediately we saw the letters from the robbers on the social media, I met some residents of the area and I asked some relevant questions.

“We have not met with the representatives of the community as a group, but we are on top of the situation. We, however, cannot disclose in full our strategy in the media.”

Sadly, a week after the notice was posted some daredevil robbers invaded the community, robbing and injuring residents.

According to reports, the robbers numbering five on July 1, 2021, invaded the Ilupeju area, Ofatedo community in Egbedore Local Government Area, Osun State.

Residents said the robbers attacked the community around 1:30 a.m. They first attacked a poultry farm after they shot the night guard several times, but he escaped.

The robbers then invaded another factory in the area from where they forced their way into residential buildings and robbed occupants of their valuables.

It was said that the robbers operated for about four hours and left the community around 5 a.m.

Speaking with The Nation, one of the night guards in the area, who identified himself simply as Segun, said: “They (robbers) came to our community around 1a.m. I was on duty. The bandits were looking for money. Unfortunately, they could not get anything where I am securing. They attacked me with a machete.”

Another resident who spoke in confidence said he was tied and locked up in the toilet by the hoodlums.

He said: “I was tied and locked up in the toilet. After I freed myself and left the toilet, I was hearing gunshots even till around 5a.m. The robbers were five in number. Two of them carried guns. Only one of them did not wear a mask.”

It will be recalled that a similar notice was pasted in the Onikoko area in Abeokuta South Local Government Area by suspected robbers in December 2020.

The robbers were said to have pasted the notice on the walls of different buildings, telling the residents to be ready to give “what belongs to us.”

The letter reads: “We armed robbers are using this medium to notify you that we are coming to pay you a visit very soon in this community to collect what belongs to us.

“Go out and tell the landlord, landladies, tenants and visitors that we are coming to visit them very soon. Thanks.”

Why robbers write victims before they strike

A pubic analyst, Dapo Adaramati, said robbers write to their victims beforehand in order to weaken their spirit of resistance and cause fear in the victims before they strike in communities.

He said: “Robbers writing disturbing letters to residents is an apparent recourse to psychological method to instill fear in residents and weaken their spirit of resistance before they (robbers) invade the apartments and homes of their victims.

“Such notice or letter usually ends with ‘don’t try to inform the police’, and this is inserted in the letters to forestall a situation whereby the police would be invited to repel or foil their operations.”

In his opinion, a security expert, Sam Bassey said that robbers mostly write letters to residents of rural communities to make them believe that “they can’t get adequate security protection from law enforcement agents and to make them submit to their threats.

Bassey urged the police to create and sustain proactive measures to protect the lives and property of residents and investigate and arrest the robbers behind such letters.

“Part of the remedies I want to suggest is that the police authorities must develop proactive measures to ensure constant surveillance and patrol in several rural communities as well as launch a diligent investigation to unmask the criminal gangs behind the disturbing letters.”

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