Plateau Attacks: 56 ethnic minorities demands justice, fairness and equity for victims


The Plateau Initiative for Development and Advancement of the Natives (PIDAN) in Plateau State had demanded justice, fairness and equity in the handling of all cases of attacks in all communities from both the Federal and State governments and their security agencies.

The President of the body and Secretary-General of (PIDAN) Professor Aboi Madaki and Comrade Nanle Gujor in a statement at the weekend in Jos over recent ugly Incident on the Plateau, demanded that all those in police custody should have their cases quickly assessed and those without incriminating evidence be promptly released while those found guilty should be charged to court for a fair hearing and early adjudication of their cases.

“We call on the Federal Government to strengthen the security around the University of Jos and its environs so as restore the confidence of the public in keeping their wards in the University and We especially wish to request that a Mobile Police outstation be established adjacent the Student Village Hostel gate to provide security to the Student Village Hostel in particular and the University Community in general,” the group said.

They also requested on behalf of the 56 ethnic groups that the Federal Government should provide special intervention funding similar to what was done to Moddibo Adama University Yola to enable the University of Jos to complete the fencing of its land and as well Called on the governments at both Federal and State Levels to relocate all the internally displaced persons in the LGAs of Barkin Ladi, Riyom, Bokkos and Jos-South to their ancestral land and provide adequate security.

” We wish to remind all interest groups especially those claiming to represent Arewa interest to understand that Plateau is equally in the northern part of the Country and we shall not take kindly to people calling us names and issuing threats to the Plateau autochthones when we are very much aware of their hidden agenda which is inimical to the Plateau heritage and the collective interest of the autochthones,” they added.

According to them, anybody who means well for Plateau State will definitely accord the autochthones respect for their heritage and Political autonomy.

PIDAN leaders equally called on religious leaders and their organizations to understand that the three key religions in the Country namely Christianity, Islam and Traditional worshipping have adherents of their faith on the Plateau and the leaders should be mindful of their utterances so as not to destroy the cordial relationship that exists among their followers and to further entrench the peace that they all professed.

“We wish to let the Northern oligarchy and Arewa interest groups know that we have never denied the fact that we are part of the North. Our struggle has been to maintain our cherished heritage and political autonomy and to exist as autonomous partners and not to be subservient to anybody or group. This has been the position of our forefathers and founders of Plateau and has remained non-negotiable,” PIDAN said, expressing hope that the northern oligarchy will respect the position of Plateau natives and work with them as equal partners towards achieving the much-needed peace and development in the North.

PIDAN leaders hoped that they have provided quality information to educate the public on the wrangling and ongoing killings in the State and to enable the Government at all levels to take steps to address the lapses so as to improve the peace of all citizens in the State.

(Daily Independent)

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