Despite order, DSS fails to produce Igboho’s detained aides in court 

The Department of State Services (DSS) has defied a court order to produce the 12 detained aides of Yoruba-nation agitator, Sunday Adeyemo,  popularly known as Sunday Igboho.
Justice Obiora Egwuatu of the Federal High Court in Abuja had ordered the DSS to produce in court on July 29, the 12 aides who have been in their custody since July 2, 2021.
Their case was expected to proceed regardless of the annual court vacation slated to begin on July 26.
But since the DSS failed to bring the aides before the court on Thursday, the case has stalled yet again, with Justice Egwatu now issueing another order, asking the DSS to produce the 12 aides in court on Monday, August 2.
While giving the order, he stressed that when a court of competent Jurisdiction, gives an order, such must be respected and obeyed.
However, counsel to the DSS, David Awo, explained that it wasn’t their intention to disrespect the court.
According to him, most of the aides are no longer in their custody as they have now been taken away for verification of facts.
Speaking further, he noted that the DSS has no intention to keep them indefinitely so they would be released once investigations are completed.
Meanwhile, counsel to the 12 aides, Pelumi Olajenbasi, has asked the court to sanction the DSS for what he believes to be a deliberate act of disrespect.
In addition, Olajenbasi asked that the court orders the DSS to release the aides on bail and grant him access to them.
Justice Egwatu, thereafter, made an order directing the DSS to make way for the Counsel to see them between today and the next adjourned date (Monday).
The suspects had earlier sued the DSS before the Federal High Court Abuja, on grounds that their fundamental human rights had been infringed. (Channels TV)

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