Kanu’s arrest won’t stop Biafra agitation — ASETU


Association South East Town Unions (ASETU), yesterday, said those controlling the levers of power in Nigeria have failed to understand how they enable, facilitate and sponsor Biafra agitations in the South East.

It also accused the dominant ruling class in the North of not caring about peace, cohesion and mutual respect among the various nationalities in the country, noting that Biafra agitations were symptoms of a disease afflicted on the Igbo by the ruling northern class.

Its National President, Chief Emeka Diwe and National Secretary, Gideon Adikwuru, who stated this also declared that arresting the leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, would not stop Biafra agitation.

 ASETU urged the Federal Government to arrest the atrocities of the armed herdsmen terrorising the Igbo.

“It is on record that the World Terror Index has classified Miyetti Allah as the fourth deadliest terror organisation in the world. And, indeed, they have lived up to this terror tag. On a daily basis, Fulani herdsmen kill our people, they rape our women, sack our communities, destroy our farmlands and our crops. Our livelihoods are now sorely imperilled by the activities of the herdsmen. Yet, their leaders are in Abuja, fouling up the streets in long convoys and being protected by Nigerian security operatives. No single herdsman has ever been arrested, not to mention being punished for the atrocities against our poor rural dwellers. Those who have aided and abetted this very unjust, unfair and reprehensible system against Ndigbo are sponsoring Biafra.

“To be sure, every Igboman sees himself as a Biafran to the extent that he feels oppressed, marginalised and unjustly treated by the Nigerian system. Which other zone in the country has five states? Only the South East! How many rail lines are currently being done in Igboland?  We have a government that is instead constructing railways through the Sahara to other countries. Of what economic significant are they to the country!  So, those who are perpetuating this unfair system against our people are the sponsors of Biafra.”

The group said though the modus operandi of Nnamdi Kanu may not be acceptable to everyone, he is, however, not the cause of the problem. “He is not even the only propagator of Biafranism. Many others who share his objectives, but still disagree with his means are active and vocal, and are unflinching in their convictions.”

Meanwhile, a don, Jackson Omenazu, yesterday said no amount of intimidation can stop the agitation for a president of Igbo extraction in 2023.

Speaking yesterday in Enugu during the second Presidential Aspirants Handshake, organised by the South East For President 2023 (SEFORP 2023), Omenazu and other speakers on the occasion held that 2023 Presidency was the right of the South East zone.

SEFORP 2023 had, at the function, inaugurated a seven-man Research, Strategy and Planning Committee to fish out genuine presidential aspirants from the South East to harness and present them to the people.

Omenazu, who was the chairman on the occasion, identified inherent injustice in the country as the reason for the agitations in Nigeria, adding that a Nigerian president of Igbo extraction in 2023 would resolve the problem.

He said: “Once a citizen feels threatened about his citizenship, the next you can get is rebellion. There is no political gangsterism that can stop it; 10 million soldiers will not stop it, a trillion police will not stop it, what will stop the agitations all over the country is equity and justice for all. And I believe the Igbo presidency will drive in equity and justice for all.

“Igbo presidency in 2023 is an agitation laced with equity, justice and good conscience. We strongly believe the Nigeria project can never be complete without an Igbo man being the president of this country. It is a fact known by all in this country that the zones that make up Nigeria have all tested the presidency apart from the South East. Any Nigerian with sound conscience will believe that 2023 is a date with history. 2023 is a journey that will deliver Nigeria from backwardness. I am highly optimistic that the Igbo presidency will re-write the Nigerian history for good.

“Industrialisation of this country will start from 2023 under Igbo presidency, we are going to exhibit God-0given talent from 2023 and the entire country will know that when God gives, nobody takes.”

(Daily Sun)

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