Men in Camouflage spotted in viral video destroying farmlands in South East not soldiers — Army Hqtrs




With a title, “DISCLAIMER:  DISREGARD DOCTORED VIDEO AIMED AT DENIGRATING THE NA”, the Nigerian army in a statement signed by Brig Gen Onyema Nwachukwu, Director Army Public Relations, has denied reports that soldiers of the Nigerian army invaded and destroyed farmlands in Enugu, South East of Nigeria, stressing that the video footage was doctored.

The army said it was an attempt to denigrate its reputation and image, insisting that persons behind it falsely claimed they were soldiers and invariably personnel of the Nigerian Army.

It said: “Following a fact finding investigation on the video by subjecting it to credible reverse image, it was discovered that the video was first published on YouTube channel “BIAFRA BOY’. The investigation also revealed that the image of the men in green camouflage was deliberately blurred to conceal their identity from viewers. Similarly the authors failed to identify the location, community, or Local Government Area the incident occurred.

“Given these facts, it is apparent that the video footage is a deliberate propaganda by ESN to bring the reputation and image of the NA to disrepute by portraying personnel of the NA as enemies of the people. Members of the general public are please urged to be wary of such negative propaganda materials and subject them to thorough scrutiny. We therefore urge the public to please discountenance the propaganda video as it is the machination of mischief makers targeting the Nigerian military.”

However, the army reassured that it will continue to operate professionally regardless of all divisive propaganda. “We assure all peace loving Nigerians of our commitment to aid civil authorities in the containment of security challenges in line with constitutional provisions,” the statement said.

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