‘We didn’t breach any law’, NUJ reacts to arrest warrant 


NUJ President Chris Isiguzo

The National President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Chris Isiguzo, has reacted to the warrant of arrest by the National Industrial Court.
On Thursday, the court ordered the arrest of Isiguzo and some NUJ officials.
A member of the NUJ, Orduen Dura, had earlier dragged the union before the court, arguing that NUJ violated its constitution by allowing candidates that were disqualified contest election.
It was based on Dura’s action that the court handed an injunction restraining the national secretariat of the NUJ from conducting the election until the determination of the matter.
But the election held on July 3 and this made Justice I.J. Essien, the presiding judge, to issue an arrest warrant against all those who emerged winners of the election as well as the chairman of the credentials committee, Chris Apuu and Secretary, James Shim.
But reacting in a statement, Isiguzo said the bench warrant came as a surprise.
Isiguzo, “As a law abiding organisation, the NUJ deems it fit and proper to state the facts as they are with its utmost respect for the court and the rule of law.
“It is appropriate to state that  the NUJ and its leadership were never served any Court process before the conduct of the election in Benue State on the 3rd day of July 2021, since the NUJ is not a meddlesome interloper.
“Specifically, the NUJ was served on the 9th of July 2021 almost one week after the election was conducted and as  a responsible union which respects the constitutionality of the Nigerian Courts, it sent a legal representation to the court on the next adjourned date.”
Isiguzo added that the bench warrant was unnecessary just as the ruling was a misdirected one.
He said, “In spite of our reservations over this ruling, the NUJ will continue to pursue the course of justice with its firm belief in the judiciary as the last hope of the common man.”
Isiguzo said the body has instructed its counsel, MAMMAN,  MAIYAKI & CO to take all legal steps to set aside the bench warrant  and  to challenge  the ruling in the  Court of Appeal.
He urged all members  of the NUJ to remain  calm and go about their normal  businesses  as they will be informed  of all events  as they unfold. (Daily Trust)

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