Tension as FG moves against separatist agitators


Lagos CP Hakeem Odumosu

Political tension in Nigeria reached a crescendo this week after it had been sub­merged in doubts, fear, and anger over the arrest and ex­tradition of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous Peo­ple of Biafra (IPOB), as well as the continued threat of pro-Yoruba activist, Sunday Igboho.

Anxiety peaked on Thurs­day when Igboho’s home was invaded by security forces amid his insistence on hold­ing the Lagos version of the Yoruba Nation rally on Sat­urday.
But the rally was disrupted as police dispersed protesters with tear gas canisters and gunshots which reportedly led to the death of a fourteen-year-old girl through a stray bullet.
The protest took place at the Freedom Park, Ojota, La­gos, starting with singing and chanting, but suddenly got rowdy as the police fired spo­radic gunshots and teargas canisters to disrupt the event.

The Commissioner of Po­lice, Hakeem Odumosu, who spoke earlier with journalists, said that the police were not there to disperse the protest­ers but to provide security and ensure that hoodlums did not hijack the protest.

“We are not her to disperse the protesters but we want to ensure that there is no breach of peace and that hoodlums do not hijack the protest to perpetrate crime,” he said
Odumosi also denied hav­ing received any letter with­in the last 48 hours from the conveners of the protest, no­tifying them officially about the protest.
“In the last 48 hours, no letter was communicated to us on this protest by the con­veners,” Odumosi said.

The police, who were re­ported to have stationed at the park very early Saturday morning with their vehicles positioned at strategic loca­tions, may have scared away the protesters as not many people made it to the park as expected.

Situation became charged when some young people en­gaged the police with their complaints about the inability of the government of the day to meet the needs of young people and the fact that the government had alienated young people from gover­nance with rising unemploy­ment.

The Commissioner of Po­lice assured them that their grievances would be commu­nicated to the right authority, but as the session became violent, the police dispersed the protesters with teargas and gunshots.
A girl whose age was esti­mated at 14, was hit by a stray bullet while she was said to be arranging wares in a make­shift shop.
She was reported to have been found lying in a pool of her own blood.

The police later removed her remains from the scene of the accident.
As news of the girl’s death went on the internet, it aroused anger and disap­pointment.
Reacting, Human Rights Lawyer, Adeola Oyinlade, 2018 International Bar Association (IBA) Human Rights Lawyer of the Year, noted that the kill­ing of the 14-year-old drink seller by stray bullet was sad, unwarranted and avoidable.

“The killing of this inno­cent girl in a shop put serious questions on the strategy, poli­cy, planning and tactics of our police system in dispersing unarmed crowds by firing live bullets or killing citizens they are constitutionally em­powered to protect,” he said.

He added: “It is important to state that at this critical period in the life of our dear country, adherence to human rights and international stan­dards is what the police need to gain the trust of the society while carrying out their du­ties lawfully.
“One should know that when live ammunition is used on protesters, there would be casualty. I do not see a justifi­cation or proportionality of firing live bullets in this case which has now resulted in the death of an innocent girl who did not commit any crime.”

But the Lagos State Police Command denied the report.
The teenager, identified as Jumoke, was reported to have been killed by a bullet fired by the police while trying to disperse peaceful protesters at the Freedom Park, otherwise known as Gani Fawehinmi Park, in the Ojota area of Lagos.
Jumoke’s remains were wrapped in a cloth after neigh­bours found her around the venue of the protest.

Public Relations Officer of the Lagos State Police Com­mand, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, said the police did not use live bullets against the protesters.
He said the command’s findings showed the deceased must have died before the pro­test and that she didn’t die from bullet wounds but from a ‘sharp object’.
The police also said the lo­cation where neighbours and other sympathizers found the body was far from the protest venue.

No Harm Must Happen To Igboho
Worried by the recent skirmishes, pan-Yoruba so­cio-cultural group, National Association of Yoruba De­scendants in North America, has cautioned President Mu­hammadu Buhari and the Department of State Services (DSS) to ensure that no harm befalls Mr. Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho.
The group also known as Egbe Omo Yoruba in North America also called on the president and the security agencies in Nigeria to stop further harassment of Yoru­ba sons and daughters.

In a statement issued on Saturday and signed by Mr. Durojaye Odimayo Akindu­tire and Hon. Aderemi Sam­uel, its National President and National General Secre­tary respectively, Egbe Omo Yoruba described the news of unlawful raid carried out at the residence of Sunday Ig­boho as shocking, disgraceful, humiliating, and uncivilized.
The group said it believes in justice and fairness for every citizen of Nigeria and for any incident whatsoever, adding that it had always ad­vocate peace, unity, and repre­senting the diverse bridge of opinion towards mutual dia­logue for peaceful resolution of any conflict within Yoru­ba community and Nigeria in particular.

“If the Department of State Services (DSS), the law enforcement agency rep­resenting Nigeria security apparatus has any reason to believe that Mr. Sunday Igbo­ho has become a security risk to the government, either by unsubstantiated rumours, or valid intelligence gathering, it becomes a duty for the Nige­rian government to exercise burden of proof, to pursue the charges of such offense with due process of law, and in tandem following legal pro­cedures to prosecute him.

“The press release by the Department of State Ser­vices of Nigeria did not ad­dress that basic fundamental of criminal justice by stating the nature of crime, when investigation was conducted, not showing valid warrant specifying alleged criminal activity. There was no indica­tion of any charges showing the crime he committed.
“Legal and due process was not followed based on the statement from the DSS. His house was raided by military-styled operatives, entire house was destroyed, members of his family were injured, and some were killed according to the DSS press re­lease.

“This military-styled op­eration in the middle of the night against citizens of Ni­geria is barbaric and fall short of the norms guiding the civi­lized twenty first century law enforcement.
“It also negates the core principle of fairness and justice. To add salt to the in­jury, the DSS spokesperson declared Sunday Igboho a wanted person, and asking that he surrender himself.
“For what offense or crime? The humiliating tac­tics in Nigerian law enforce­ment must stop.”

Anxiety Over Security Operations
Also, the Yoruba Global Alliance has noted that “the whole nation is aware that Mr Sunday Adeyemo resorted to self-help due to Fulani herds­men widespread lawlessness, farm invasion, maiming, rap­ing, kidnapping, and killing of Yoruba people in their own ancestral land”.
In a statement by Taju Tijani, the Director, Public Communications, the group said: “All his agitation under­takings had been peaceful and his awareness rallies were conducted without violence, killing or bloodshed.

“The Yoruba Global Al­liance unequivocally con­demns this irrational surren­der to barbarism, lawlessness, and the flagrant abuse of the fundamental human right of Mr Sunday Adeyemo.
“It is becoming a norm under the Presidency of Mu­hammadu Buhari that gang­sterism, knee jerk reaction, brutality, and suppression of the inalienable right of Nigerians to peaceful protest have become the standard yardstick to measure his ad­ministration.

“In the place of respect for democratic mores, President Muhammadu Buhari has developed a strange fascina­tion for militarism, haughty disdain for other nationalities that form this federation and ongoing state criminality which bothers on dictator­ship.

“What is becoming evident is the Muhammadu Buhari’s reflex to military diktat at the whiff of opposition and the brazenness of his actions that does not augur well for the peaceful co-existence of the disparate nationalities that form Nigeria.
“Self determination is a right endorsed by the United Nations and a constitutional guarantee among many na­tions of the world. So, any fatuous categorisations of self-determinists as criminals and troublemakers run count­er to the spirit of democratic liberty.”

“The Yoruba Global Al­liance would like to remind Mr President that nations are governed by laws and not by guns. Nigerians cannot be forced to cohere. This provoc­ative and howling insanity must stop.”

Similarly, another pan-Yoruba socio-political organisation, Coalition of Oodua Self determination Group (COSEG), challenged President Buhari and the Department of State Ser­vices (DSS), to deploy their strengths in going after the bandits in the bush.

The group, while condemn­ing the invasion and destruc­tion of property at the home of Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, by DSS operatives, described the act as a clear show of force and disdain for the Yoruba people.

In a statement signed by Comrade Ifedayo Ogunlana and Dele Daramola, its chair­man and publicity secretary respectively, COSEG noted that “We cannot not sit and al­low this irresponsible show of power go without condemna­tion, it is sad that our govern­ments are misdirecting their interventiony.
“This brute show of pow­er is yet to be used on Gumi’s friends in the bush. What is good for the goose should also be good for the gender.

“It baffles us that till today our security forces that are showing crude power and in­timidation has not arrested any Fulani man that came to destroy town and villages in Igboho’s state nor have we heard that they stormed the houses of Fulani men that destroyed Igboho’s town last month. But they have the will and power to take the lives of Yoruba men and destroyed their property.”

No Going Back On Yoruba Liberation
Despite the tension in the land, the Yoruba One Voice (YOV) has said it would not give up on the liberation of the Yoruba race.

The diaspora group said its agitation was being supported by millions of Yoruba all over the world.
“In fact, this political, eco­nomic, social, and cultural perturbation has been on since 1960 when Nigeria got its inde­pendence from Britain.

“What we are seeking is sim­ple: we want to direct our own affairs without interference be­cause we have sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood and statehood,” Debo Adekoya said during a conference at the Na­tional Press Club, Washington DC,” the group said.

It added: “From all indications, there is no denying the fact that Yoruba are tired of these sense­less killings, thereby seeking self determination in the most peace­ful way.
“I was part of the struggle for this democracy, and it is sad that the democracy, we fought for are being mishandled by politicians who are like interlopers.”

Concerns Persist Over Kanu’s Arrest
Just as anxiety has ballooned in the South West, doubts have continued to characterise re­actions on the arrest of IPOB’s Kanu.

The Pan-Niger Delta Elders’ Forum, PANDEF, on Saturday, asked the Federal Government to be bold and tell Nigerians the process that led to the arrest of Kanu.

PANDEF also cautioned the Federal Government on the con­sequences of ignoring or treat­ing with contempt, the 16-Point Agenda presented to President Muhammadu Buhari on Novem­ber 1, 2016.

Currently, the Youth in the Ni­ger Delta have declared a “Vote of No Confidence” in PANDEF be­cause it was the leaders of the re­gion that stayed their hand when, in frustration, they had decided to cripple the national economy in 2016.

Arising from its extraordi­nary meeting in Abuja on Friday, PANDEF condemned the brutal and bloody midnight raid on the residence of a Yoruba Rights Activist, Sunday Adeyemo, also known as Sunday Igboho, in the Soka area of Ibadan, Oyo State, by agents of the Department of State Services, DSS, in a Gestapo manner, during which innocent citizens were killed and proper­ties destroyed.

In a communique issued at the end of the stakeholders’ meeting, PANDEF declared that it stands in solidarity with Afenifere and the South-West people on the mat­ter and called on Mr President to immediately call to order the security agencies and cease all forms of flagrant abuse of power.

“Tell Nigerians the truth of the process which led to the abduction of the IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, and his clandes­tine, forceful repatriation to Ni­geria, and hopes that he will be given a fair and open trial,” the group said.

It warned that the reported identification of sponsors of Nnamdi Kanu should not be an alibi to witch-hunt and persecute phantom enemies imagined by the government.

PANDEF expressed solidarity with the people of the Middle Belt Region in the face of bru­tal physical attacks and seem­ing plans to destroy their every means of livelihood by suspected Fulani gunmen.

On the issue of the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB, by both the Senate and House of Representatives, on Thursday, July 1, 2021, PANDEF observed that the Bill fell short of the expectations of the Niger Delta people who bear the brunt of the consequences of the oil and gas industry operations in their lands.

Eastern Union Seeks Arrest Of Boko Haram, Bandits’ Leaders
Still in reaction to the arrest of Kanu, the Eastern Union (EU), a political pressure group for the people of the Old Eastern Region, has said that the re-arrest of the leader of IPOB had shown that the country has security men who can plan, coordinate, and execute projects if willing and determined.
Hon. Charles Anike, the EU National President, wondered why such security men with de­termination and sophistication had not been deployed to plan and arrest the leaders of Boko Haram, bandits and the legions of kidnappers freely unleashing mayhem on Nigerian citizens.

The EU boss stressed that al­though most people might not have agreed with Nnamdi Kanu’s method and approach, “certain­ly most of us believe in what he stands for; equity, fairness and justice.”

The group, however, advised the government to be very care­ful in the handling of the case the IPOB leader to avoid escalating the already tensed situation in the South-East in particular and the country at large.

“Regrettably, the biggest chal­lenge with the Buhari govern­ment is the lack of diplomacy and tact in the handling of sen­sitive issues.

“The government should as a matter of urgency, consult with relevant stakeholders and civil society groups in the East to organise security and value re­orientation programmes across the states of the South-East and South-South zones.

“The Federal Government should also employ the same efforts and determination to ar­rest the leaders of Boko Haram, leaders of bandits and kidnap­ping groups, that have been kid­napping students in the North for ransom.

“It is only then that their present action of the re-arrest of the IPOB leader can be jus­tified. But, so long as the gov­ernment keeps pretending, pampering and allowing crim­inal elements and terrorists from the north to continue to have free days in their crimi­nal activities, deserved peace will continue elude us across the country, even with the re-ar­rest of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu,” it stressed.

It added: “Another way to do it is that the government should not ignore all the points raised by the IPOB agitators.
“Total and genuine restruc­turing of the country will defi­nitely lay to rest all the seces­sionist sing song.

“Otherwise, we can assure you that there are more Nnam­di Kanus that will spring up no sooner than later.”

Call For Amnesty
On a different note, Presi­dent Buhari has been advised to grant Nnamdi Kanu and his IPOB members amnesty for peace to reign in the country.

Lagos-based socio-political activist and critic, Chief Ade­sunbo Onitiri, gave this advice in a statement signed in Lagos on Saturday.

Chief Onitiri pointed out that there were too many daunt­ing problems confronting the nation presently that urgently needed all hands to tackle.

He pleaded with the Federal Government: “We, Democrats and lovers of Nigeria wish to implore President Buhari and the Federal government to please grant Nnamdi kanu and all IPOB members amnesty in the interest of peace in the country.
“This call is in line with the amnesty granted the Niger Del­ta militants and recently the Fulani bandits and terrorists as canvassed by prophet Gumi.

“The loud agitations in the country in all parts of the country are results of serious injustice in our system and the agitations cannot be addressed with iron hands or state brutal force.
“Otherwise we are heading for war which Nigeria cannot afford this time around.”

The social critic warned that the government should not make mistakes.

“You cannot underestimate the wrath of the people. There is abject poverty everywhere in the land. Poverty knows no religion or tribe.”

Chief Onitiri expressed strong opposition to the pres­ent situation where killer Fu­lani herdsmen kill, maim, rape and kidnap at will, without prosecution and mere freedom campaigners are clamped into detention will no longer be al­lowed or tolerated.“This country belongs to us all. No tribe or religion should be treated as superior,” he stressed. (Sunday Independent)

2 thoughts on “Tension as FG moves against separatist agitators

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