Yorubas abroad protest attack on Sunday Igboho’s residence



Yorubas in Diaspora on Friday protested at the Nigerian Embassy in United Kingdom over the attack launched by the Department of State Services (DSS) on the residence of Yoruba Nation agitator, Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho on Thursday.

The protest, which was monitored by The Nation, observed that the protesters chanted different solidarity songs, and also displayed placards.

They condemned the invasion and attack on his residence, adding that Igboho is a peaceful man.

Some of the placards read: “Location 419.. #YorubaNationNow, “Yoruba Nation. No going back”, “Sunday Igboho is a man of the people”, “Oduduwa Nation must stand.”

A Pro-Yoruba Nation protester, Peter Oladele said, “We are here to inform the UK embassy that enough is enough. Look at the criminal atrocities committed by criminal herdsmen; we are not going to back down. Sunday Igboho is not a terrorist.”

Another protester Grace Dada said, “What did Igboho do to the federal government? Gumi is there patronising bandits, why didn’t they arrest him?

“They killed two persons, we want them to release those arrested. We are not criminal, Yorubas are peaceful people. Since Igboho has been doing the rally, it has been peaceful.”

The Nation had reported Olayomi Koiki, Spokesperson of Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, saying the Yoruba nation rally scheduled for July 3 in Lagos will still take place despite police order. (The Nation)

2 thoughts on “Yorubas abroad protest attack on Sunday Igboho’s residence

  1. 657987 532347Over and more than once again I think about these issue. As a matter of fact it was not even yesterday that I last thought about it. To be honest, what is your thought though? 766259

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