Southwest governors to grace the investiture of Remi Bello as Rotary Club District Governor



Southwest governors would be special guests of honour at the investiture of Remi Bello as Rotary Club District 9110 Governor-elect.

The event comes up this Saturday, July 3, 2021 at Ikeja, Lagos State.

According to the chairman of the installation committee, Henry Akinyele, the other dignitaries expected to grace the occasion include the Olubada of Ibadan land, the Alake of Egbaland, who was the fifth president of the club, the Group Managing Director of First Bank Plc, the president of Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry among others.

According to him, the purpose of the event is fund raising and the unveiling of the new district governor for the Rotarian year, which would begin on July 1, 2012 and end in June 1, 2022.

He said that the new District Governor-elect is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria as well as Chartered Tax Practitioners.

In his contribution, Remi Bello said that the theme for the Rotary year is “Service To Change Life”.

According to him, some of the projects for the new Rotarian year would include adopting a school programme by the members and empowering indigent parents with soft loans to sponsor their not too bright children in the higher institutions of learning.

He said that about 200 parents would benefit from this scheme.

“Rotary Club was founded in Chicago, United States in 1905 and currently we have 500 districts across the world with over 1.2 million members. Here in Nigeria, we have over 3000 members and District 9110 covers Lagos and Ogun states. We are known as people who go about doing good and we are really doing good with our projects.”


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