COVID-19: Again, Lagos tops infection chart as Nigeria records 75 new infections






The Nigeria Center for Disease Control(NCDC), has recorded  75 COVID-19 new infections, with Lagos state leading the daily infection chart.

The NCDC disclosed this on its official website on Thursday morning.

The Nigerian public Health agency said that Lagos state topped the infection chart with 47 out of the 75 new infections in the country.

The agency noted that apart from Lagos state, four other states and the FCT contributed to the country’s total tally on Wednesday.

“The 75 new cases were reported in 6 states, comprising of 47 cases in Lagos, 15 in Gombe, 4 each in the FCT and Rivers, 3 in Kaduna, 2 in Ekiti.

“Data from Lagos State for June 29 (21 cases) and 30 (26 cases).

“Also six states with zero cases reported; Imo, Kano, Oyo, Ogun, Plateau, and Sokoto,” it said.

It noted that no COVID-19 related death was recorded on Wednesday as the country’s total fatality toll stood at 2,120.

The agency added that the 75 new infections raised the total number of cases in the country to 167,618

It added that out of  the 167,000 infections in the country, 164,244 have been discharged with about 1,254 cases still active.

The NCDC noted that the country had tested a total of 2,300,266 samples from over its 200 million people.

The agency said that a multi-sectoral national Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), activated at Level 2, had continued to coordinate the national response activities.

Meanwhile, the agency called on Nigerians to  keep their hands clean, to help prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading.

“Regular handwashing and sanitising protects us from contracting the virus.

“Facemask reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth. You should wear a mask, even if you do not feel sick.

“Let’s not get tired of wearing face mask. It protects you and everyone around you from COVID-19,” it stated.

The agency also reminded hotels owners to ensure they clean, disinfect and ventilate all guest rooms properly between each individual guest’s visit.(NAN)


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