Delta chairman dumps APC, joins PDP 

Chief George Okafor, State Vice Chairman, All Progressives Congress (APC), Delta State Caretaker Committee, has resigned his membership and has joined the party for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), citing the unending crisis in the party as the reason for his decision.
In a letter dated June 22, 2021 and addressed to the State Chairman of the party, Chief George Okafor disclosed that his resignation was with effect from Wednesday June 23, 2021, stressing that by the notice, he had denounced his membership of the APC in Delta State.
The letter read: “I hereby tender my resignation from the position of Chairman, APC Delta North Caretaker Committee effective today, Wednesday June 23, 2021. By this notice, I also want to denounce my membership of the APC henceforth.
“My decision to quit the party is borne from inner convictions that Delta APC has remained an unending battlefield without hope for respite. However, I thank the party for providing me with the platform to serve and render civic obligations to my country’’, the letter read.
In a special message to the PDP family on his return to the party, Chief Okafor described his return as home coming and an act of divine intervention.
“It feels good to be back home after a long sojourn on the other side of the political battlefield. Indeed there is no place like home. My return to the PDP after a sabbatical seven years in the opposition party, I would say, is an act of divine intervention.
‘’While on my sojourn, I rose to the position of Chairman, APC Delta North, which position I resigned with effect from Wednesday to return fully to my original family and home, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
“My decision to quit the APC was largely borne from my inner convictions that Delta APC has remained an unending battlefield without hope for respite. In Delta APC, things will continue to fall apart; I do not see them coming together even beyond 2023.
“’Today, I feel good coming back home to where I am loved, respected and appreciated. I thank the PDP family in Delta State for holding forth and firm since 1999. I want to specially thank His Excellency the Governor for keeping the party together, both in the state and the national level,” Chief Okafor added. (Daily Independent)

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