16 million jobs possible in mushroom sub-sector — Association boss



Growers, Processors and Marketers Association of Nigeria, President Michael Awunor said yesterday that the  sub-sector can provide 16million skilled, semi skilled and unskilled jobs to teeming unemployed universities, polytechnic and Colleges of Education graduates, vulnerable youth and women.

He spoke at the inaugural summit of the Mushroom Growers Processors and Marketers Association of Nigeria in Abuja, stating that mushroom offers so much hope to contribute significantly to the country’s GDP.

He said the association was born to play a critical role in contributing to the Federal Government’s efforts to diversify the economy and build resilience in the system.

According to him, the world mushroom market as at the end of 2020 stood at about $45.3billion and the country is determined to earn 10per cent of it. ‘The 10 per cent earnings when analysed on the global mushroom market is estimated at about $4 53billion.

He added that the nation cannot afford to be flippant about its resource exploitation and utilisation and continue to bemoan its circumstances in a world economic system that has become knowledge-driven. Mushroom stands tall among its peers because of its high nutritional content that can deal with micronutrient malnutrition which Is prevalent among the less privilege In our society. Also, mushroom has tremendous medicinal value. It is easy to grow and easily exportable.

He assures that the association is determined to resuscitate mushroom farming and deploy the tools of modern science to boost its production and increase the wealth of the people In this particular connection, we will work with Research Institutes to commercialize their research findings. (The Nation)

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