Boycott June 12 events in protest of Twitter ban and media censorship — Adegboruwa



Human rights activist and Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa, has urged all Nigerians, especially activists, civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations and all lovers of democracy, not to participate in any programme or event that may be organised by the Muhammadu Buhari administration in commemoration of the June 12, 1993 election, this year.

The administration had moved the traditional democracy day from May 29 of every year to June 12, in honour of the late Chief MKO Abiola, the presumed winner of the June 12 presidential election, which was annulled by the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida.

However, in a statement issued on Wednesday in Lagos, Adegboruwa said it would be hypocritical of the government to claim to celebrate the ideals of the June 12 mandate when the same government is in gross violation of the freedom of expression by people it claims to govern, through its illegal ban of Twitter and the unwarranted censorship of all media organisations. He stated further that June 12 represents total freedom, the free expression of the will of the people, justice, equality and respect for human rights.

“The decision of the government to suspend the operations of Twitter and to force media organisations to comply therewith, are contrary to the spirit of June 12,” Adegboruwa said. He advised that, as a mark of protest in rejecting the suspension, all Nigerians of good conscience should “isolate the government by boycotting all programmes and events that may be slated for the celebration of the June 12 election, until the exit of the present Buhari administration.”

“We cannot continue to live in a nation where the exercise of the fundamental and constitutional rights of citizens depends on the personal idiosyncrasies of those in power, where the institutions of State are deployed whimsically, to settle personal grievances, as President Buhari is doing in respect of his personal dispute with Twitter, for which all Nigerians are now subjected to forced solidarity,” Adegboruwa said.

He said it is unfortunate that the National Assembly could not find its voice in support of the people of Nigeria at this critical time when their rights are being trampled upon with crass impunity, by the executive arm of government.


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