School hostel collapses. kill student in Adamawa



A student, Harka Yinasinma, of the Government Secondary School, Numan in Adamawa State died when a dilapidated building collapsed in the school.

Several other students reportedly escaped death when the distressed building caved in. Sources said despite being distressed, the school authorities allowed several students to be sleeping in the building.

A student, who refused to give his name, said what would have turned to a serious disaster was averted as most of the students in the hostel were awake when the building collapsed during a heavy windstorm.

He said: “But one student, who was not so lucky because he was sleeping at the time, was crushed to death. “I can tell you that the hostel housing the students was not even fit to house animals. Those buildings are a time bomb waiting to explode.

“We are lucky only one life was lost. Even at that, life is precious and we should not toil with anybody’s life. If the students were all sleeping, the whole state would have been in a state of mourning by now.” (Text excluding headline from New Telegraph)

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