Members brace for leadership tussle in Synagogue


There are indications that fierce sucession battles lie ahead for the SCOAN.

   According to credible sources, the leadership of the church is structured in such a way that TB Joshua is the overall leader while he has many lieutenants called ‘Wise men’.

    These ‘Wise men’ are undergo trainings in the Synagogue and are groomed and ordained to carry on the activities of the prophet. The ‘wise men’ also undertake deliverance and healing sessions for thousands that throng the church and also preach when TB Joshua isn’t available.

When asked who will take over the leadership of the church, the source said TB Joshua’s wife may assume leadership with support from his first daughter who also ministers often. But this may not come without some challenges.

“We are told that TB Joshua’s wife is very likely going to head the church going forward and will be supported by his first daughter, but that is not a given because there are wise men who also perform the kind of miracles that the prophet performed when he was alive. These wise men were members of his inner circle and naturally, one of them would like to take over even though his wife and daughter are there. He impacted the Wise men so much that some of them left to form their own churches and are performing the kind of miracles he was performing. So we are just watching to see what will unfold, whether it is the wife that will take over the running of the church or any of the wise men.”   

When asked why he continued holding services at the ‘Prayer Mountain’ instead of resuming at the  Synagogue when the COVID-19 lockdown had been lifted, the source said the late Joshua had issues with the government after the building collapse and choose to continue services at the mountain to avoid any altercation from the authorities.

“Activities at the Prayer Mountain is not open to all. Only top members, Wise men and workers attend the service which holds on Fridays and Saturdays.”

When Daily Sun team got to the ‘Prayer Mountain’ located at Ejigbo in Lagos, the street leading to the house was full of people, many of them members of the church. But no reporter was allowed into the premises as it was cordoned off by the police. (Daily SUN)

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