Insecurity: Archbishop Kaigama predicts famine in Nigeria 


Archbishop of Abuja Catholic Archdiocese, Most Rev. Ignatius Kaigama

Archbishop of Abuja Catholic Archdiocese, Most Rev. Ignatius Kaigama, has predicted that there will be famine in Nigeria because of the rising insecurity across the country, particularly, farmer/herders clashes which has prevented farmers from visiting their farms for the purposes of planting or harvest.

Archbishop Kaigama, in his homily delivered at Our Lady, Queen of Nigeria Pro-Cathedral Catholic Church, Abuja, on Sunday, demanded for urgent action from government to end the rising insecurity across the country or they may risk unfriendly action from the people.

“However, in a situation, today, when farmers are unable to go to farm due to fear of attacks and killings by bandits, kidnappers and terrorists, our food supply will be grossly limited.

“I hope the government will be proactive with palliatives for the inevitable hunger that will result from this. A hungry man is not only angry but is today, uncontrollably violent. I often see people rushing into the Church for Mass and some for private adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

“When I visit some rural areas, I see many lay people asking to have access to the Holy Mass regularly because they say that they receive strength, inner peace and assurance of God’s healing and comfort from it. Our Gospel today is about this great gift of the body and blood of Jesus shared to His disciples.

“Participating in the Eucharist (Greek word for Thanksgiving) means there’s no room for individualism. It’s a meal of love and unity that excludes no one, no matter how socially disadvantaged. The Eucharist has remained for Catholics, the effective balm and medicine even during very violent storms, persecution, controversy, scandalous behaviours arising from human weakness,” he said.

Archbishop Kaigama confirmed that, since his ordination as a Priest at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, Jalingo, Taraba State, by late Bishop of Yola Diocese, Most Rev. Patrick Francis Sheehan, OSA, 40 years ago, the Eucharist has been his sustaining force, soothing balm, and source of spiritual and physical energy, as well as motivation to forge ahead in his priesthood despite the challenges from within and without.

“The Eucharist is the noblest of all gifts to me. In the last 40 years it has been the oxygen of my priesthood,” he added.

(The Sun)

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