Brekete: BBC Africa Eye reporter writes police, alleges threat to life, writes police 



Peter Nkanga, a reporter with the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Africa Eye, has written to the Nigerian Police Force, warning them of a danger to his life posed by followers of Ahmed Isah, the host of the radio programme, Berekete Family Show.
The show airs on Human Rights Radio owned by Isah.
Since the broadcast of the BBC documentary showing Isah assaulting an interviewee, Nkanga said he has received death threats from followers of the popular radio host, also known as the ‘Ordinary President,’ after his phone numbers were shared on social media platforms.
The radio station was suspended for 30 days and fined N 5 million for unprofessional conduct by the National Broadcasting Commission.
Some have even gone as far as threatening to stone the reporter to death.
Nkanga urged the police to invite Isah to sign an undertaking guaranteeing that no harm will come upon him, his family, and his colleagues at the BBC.
Nkanga made this known in a letter addressed to Force Public Relations Officer, Frank Mba, on Wednesday.
Nkanga informed Force Public Relations Officer Frank Mba of this in a letter on Wednesday where he reminded the latter of an earlier letter the BBC had submitted to the acting Inspector-General of Police, Usman Alkali Baba.
The Guardian attempted to reach Mba over the phone but calls to his official line went unanswered. The police FPRO was also yet to reply to the SMS sent to the same line as of the time of filing this report.
The letter reads: “Dear Mr Mba, I am reaching out to you because I don’t feel safe. What is worrying me and really affecting my family is that for over a week, the Police are yet to act on the clear threats to my personal safety.
“On Tuesday, 25 May 2021, the British Broadcasting Corporation submitted an official letter with corroborating evidence to the Inspector-General of Police regarding harassment, cyber-bullying and threat to my life and others.
“It is over a week now, and I am following up to know the status of the letter and the actions that the Police have taken, most particularly for Ahmad Isah of the Human Rights Radio 101.1FM to be invited to sign an undertaking that no harm will befall me, my family and BBC crew. This is because the harassment and threats were occasioned by our phone numbers released on his live programme to the public.
“I am reaching out to you Mr Mba because I don’t feel safe. Truth be told, I won’t feel safe until Ahmad signs this undertaking for at least two (2) reasons: 1). Because Ahmad is someone with power & influence who boldly lied on his Live show when he told his followers and the whole world that I and the BBC plotted to kill him. This was a premeditated lie with malicious intentions.
“2). Because Ahmad, in at least one similar instance that I know, got his mob to harass and threaten a station manager at LoveFM some years back. I spoke to the station manager who had to insist that the Police get Ahmad to sign an undertaking. The importance of getting this undertaking for my safety must be emphasised.
“Family, friends and associates, at home and abroad, feel the same way. We are calling on the Police to intervene to nip the threat to my life and ensure the safety of me, my family and the BBC crew by getting Ahmad to sign an undertaking,” added Nkanga, in the letter he signed off with his name followed by the phrase ‘Journalist in hiding.’ (The Guardian)

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