Anglican Church tasks FG on security, revenue sharing formula



The Lagos West Diocese of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) has urged the Federal Government to look inwards in dealing with insecurity in Nigeria, while asking for a restructure of the present formula of revenue allocation.

The Diocese lending its voice to the increased call for a ban on open grazing of cattle in Nigeria, commended the initiative behind regional security outfits in the country while also calling for the amendment of the constitution to allow for the establishment of State Police forces.

It also urged the state governors to be proactive and use their security votes to serve and protect the people.

It frowned at the current economic structure in Nigeria whereby the Federal Government takes most of the revenue while sharing the rest with other federating units.

This sharing formula, according to the Diocese, has reduced the sand the local government areas to a beggarly position.

In a communique jointly signed by the Clerical Synod Secretary, Kayode Oredugba, Lay Synod Secretary, Teju Akindolire, and Olusola Odedeji, President of Synod and Bishop, Diocese of Lagos West, at the end of the 1st session of its 8th Synod with the theme ‘More than conqueror’, the Diocese said the formula was unacceptable.

While noting that every region in Nigeria was blessed with natural resources, the Synod called for “true fiscal federalism in Nigeria where the federating units are encouraged to exploit resources within their respective units.”

The Synod equally warned that the current high cost of living has social consequences on the populace.

“Prices of goods and services are galloping daily, making life unbearable for most of the citizenry. Continuation of such unacceptable situation may have grave and irreversible social consequences,” the Synod said.

The Synod of the Diocese of Lagos West, Church of Nigeria also decried the bogus legislative system, calling for its abolishment while demanding for an equitable reward system for elected government officials.

The Synod commended the efforts of the state governor in tackling the menace of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lagos.

“The Synod notes with commendation that despite the devastating effect of COVID-19 and the EndSARS protest, through the grace of God together with the dogged and visionary drive of the Governor, the State has continued to witness more developmental projects and infrastructure, especially in transportation,” the communique partly stated. (Adapted from Sunday INDEPENDENT)


3 thoughts on “Anglican Church tasks FG on security, revenue sharing formula

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