Mali’s coup leader Assimi Goïta seizes power again


Mali's coup leader Assimi Goita

Mali’s president and prime minister have been ousted by the officer who led last year’s coup and became vice-president of an interim government.
Col Assimi Goïta says President Bah Ndaw and PM Moctar Ouane failed in their duties and were seeking to sabotage the country’s transition.
They were arrested hours after a government reshuffle which saw two senior army officers replaced.
Col Goïta says elections will still go ahead next year as planned.
But he ignored pleas from the UN chief, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), the EU and the US that the president and prime minister be released without any preconditions.
The two men have been held at a military camp outside the capital, Bamako, since they were arrested on Monday evening. (BBC)

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