New security measures: Genocide looms in South East, South South – Ex-DIG 

Retired Deputy Inspector General of Police Ozo Celestine Okoye has raised fresh alarm over a looming genocide set to be unleashed on the South East and South South geopolitical zones following the withdrawal of security details of political appointees and top government functionaries in the area.
Okoye who had earlier alleged a plot to create state of emergency in the two geopolitical zones challenged the Federal Government over the new security measures for the two geopolitical zones de-manding to know the reason the two zones should be singled out for a secret security arrangement despite the high level of criminality in the North East and other parts of the North.
“This is a plot to create room for them to wipe out the South East and South South since our VIPs wouldn’t have security personnel attached to them,” Okoye said.
“The South East and South South are not the only areas where police stations were burnt, and the level of banditry, kidnapping and Boko Haram attacks in the North cannot be compared to the crisis in the Southern part of the country yet they did not withdrawn the security details of their governors, senators, speakers of state assemblies in the area.
“This may lead to yet another genocide in the old Eastern Region after the one that took place during the pogrom that happened before the Civil War in Nigeria.”
Okoye further posited that the secrecy that is trailing the new security measures is a strong indication of the plot to perpetually silence the two geopolitical zones and totally cow the people of the zones.
He said: “I was at the Force Headquarters a few days ago and everybody was looking at me as a stranger because I am saying the truth and they know that I am saying it the way it is and they don’t like it. But I have to say it for the sake of posterity, and history will judge me right.
“What is so special about the South East and South South that such a secret agenda is being set for the two geopolitical zones? What secret agenda did they set for the North East and North Central since Boko Haram and banditry started in those areas?”
Okoye, however, urged the governors of the two geopolitical zones to rise up to the occasion and fine tune better and watertight security measures internally in order to avert the looming genocide in the area.
 “This plot came into play less than 24 hours after the 16 southern governors met in Asaba to discuss the fate of our people in the midst of security challenges in the area.
“So there may be a plan already in place to counter whatever the governors had planned to do, and I urge them to fashion out an internal measure to avert this looming genocide,” he said. (Saturday Telegraph)

2 thoughts on “New security measures: Genocide looms in South East, South South – Ex-DIG 

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