IOC bans wives, girlfriends from Tokyo 2020 Olympics


Guests including partners of International Olympic Committee (IOC) members will not be able to attend Tokyo 2020 after the organisation decided to limit accreditation to those who have “essential and operational roles” at the Games.

The IOC Executive Board said it would also axe or significantly reduce its guest programme and invitations to “Olympic athlete legends” as part of its attempts to limit the number of people at the event because of coronavirus concerns.

Accompanying guests “in any category” will not be granted an accreditation for the Games, postponed to this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Invitees from organisations such as the United Nations will be limited under the measures, which the IOC claims will “significantly reduce the number of accredited people at the Games”.

A number of other initiatives typically run by the IOC during the event, including the observer programme for future hosts, will also be restricted.

IOC members will be able to attend the Games as they are “playing an essential and operational role”, but they will have to leave their partners at home. (Sunday SUN)

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