FRSC threatens to arrest users of uncompleted Onitsha-Enugu Expressway


The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has warned motorists to avoid plying the uncompleted section of Enugu – Onitsha Expressway or risk arrest henceforth.

The Controller, Federal Works in charge of Anambra State, Adeyemo Ajani, while conducting men of the FRSC round the road over the weekend recalled that the road was opened on December 16, 2020 to decongest traffic during the Christmas season, saying that the road was still under construction.

He said: “This road is still under construction; the government opened it to allow free flow of traffic during the festival period.

“The barrier they are talking about is not blocking anything or causing obstruction. We will mark the lane after the completion of the road

“The barricade is to channel traffic in and outside the lane. This road is a two-lane and not three-lane, the other one is the shoulder of the lane.”

On the diversion used by commuters at Amawbia diversion by motorists, Ajani observed that they were obstructing free movement, which he noted, could cause accidents at any time.

“They should desist from turning at Anawbia junction and joining the Enugu lane of the expressway, it is dangerous,” Ajani added.

On his part, FRSC State Deputy Sector Commander and Head of Operations, Joseph Abuo, told journalists that his men would start arresting and prosecuting offenders from now on the road.

He noted that the road was still under construction, adding that his men would be positioned at those strategic points to effect the arrest.

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