How Police rescue 3 kidnapped farm managers in Kwara




Police in Kwara have rescued three farm managers abducted in the state on Sunday.

The victims, Dr Julius Owoeye, Akeem Ajadi and Bola Adedoye, workers at Bafford/Morola’s Farms, at Elega via Pampo in Asa Local Government Area of Kwara were rescued on Thursday.

Police spokesman, SP Ajayi Okasanmi, said in a statement issued on Friday in Ilorin that Commissioner of Police in Kwara, Mohammed Bagega, led the rescue team.

“The command was flabbergasted when the news of the abduction of the victims broke on March 22, in spite of the tight security arrangements emplaced throughout the state.

“This prompted the Commissioner of Police to give a marching order to the Command’s anti-kidnapping operatives which he personally supervised.

“That eventually forced the kidnappers to abandon the victims when they could not withstand the intense pressure placed on them. They fled for their lives.

“Effort is still on-going to arrest the fleeing suspects.

“The victims are evidently traumatised but are in stable frame of minds and are being attended to by the Command’s doctors.

“The CP had earlier made a commitment to rescue the victims and this has been achieved,” SP Okasanmi stated.

He added that the CP Bagega advised all criminals irrespective of nomenclature to relocate from Kwara adding that it was not a safe place for criminals.

Bagega also thanked all stakeholders that collaborated with the Command in making the rescue mission a success. (NAN)

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