Organised Labour rejects National Minimum Wage removal from Exclusive Legislative List



The organised labour in Bauchi State on Wednesday staged a peaceful protest against the planned bill for the removal of National Minimum Wage from the Exclusive Legislative List.

Speaking at the premises of the state Assembly, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Chairman, Comrade, Danjuma Saleh who led hundreds of his members to protest the bill that is currently at the National Assembly, said that the planned removal is a declaration of war on Nigerian workers.

Comrade Saleh said they were at the state assembly to reject the anti workers bill even as the union urged the speaker of the Bauchi Assembly to use his position as the Chairman of the Nigerian conference of state Assembly speakers, to mobilise his colleagues against it.

“The NLC and the TUC have decided to embark on national protest to draw the attention of the political authorities to the current move by the national Assembly to dabble into the issue of salaries and wages of teaming workers in the country both on public and private sector”.

” The move to transfer the national minimum wage from the exclusive legislative list to the concurrent legislative list is an affront to the legitimate workers rights.The national minimum wage is enshrined in the constitution of Nigeria and in line with the global standard as backed by ILO convention to which Nigeria is a signatory since 1961″ he said

The Chairman of the NLC said they are simultaneously engaging in the protest rally today across the country to register their deep concern and dismay over the bill, adding that the bill being sponsored by representative Garba Datti Ahmed and his colleagues is of serious concern to workers, hence the need for them to reject it.

“The purpose of our visit to this important institution of the masses under your leadership is to convey the message of workers displeasure and call on the sponsors of this bill to discontinue forthwith.The organized labour will not stand aloof to watch the hard fought legitimate rights been bastardized and jettisoned, vowing to use all available means within the ambit of law including industrial strike to drive home their demand” Comrade Danjuma added

Responding, the speaker of the Bauchi state house of assembly, Rt. Hon Abubakar Y. Suleiman while welcoming the organized labour, pledged to mobilised his colleagues at the state assemblies against the bill.

“Even though the action of our senior colleague at the national Assembly is in line with his constitutional requirements and responsibility, however, it is not out of place to consult widely before embarking on any mission or action that touches the life of any citizen, let alone, an important institution like organized labour”, the speaker said.

He assured that the Bauchi state Assembly will continue to prioritize the welfare of workers, adding that the message delivered by the organized labour was loud and clear, stressing that they will do thier best along with their colleagues across the federation to ensure that workers rights are protected. (Daily Independent)

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