Five governors receive Gbenga Daniel into APC




Former Governor of Ogun, Gbenga Daniel, on Tuesday officially defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC), barely two years after quitting the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Daniel, Director-General, Atiku Abubakar Presidential Campaign Organisation in the last presidential election, had in March, 2019 officially resigned from the PDP, saying he was pulling out from partisan politics.

The former governor had since not joined any political party officially, but had openly endorsed Gov. Dapo Abiodun of Ogun, then governorship candidate of the All Progressives Candidate (APC) during the 2019 gubernatorial election in the state.

He was received into APC at his Asoludero residence, Sagamu, by Gov. Abiodun, Ondo State Governor Rotimi Akeredolu, Atiku Bagudu (Kebbi), Kano State Governor, Abdullahi Ganduje and Niger State Governor, Abubakar Bello.

Bello, who is Chairman of APC Registration and Revalidation Committee, presented broom, a symbol of APC, to Daniel to formally welcome him into the party.

He disclosed that the National Chairman of APC Caretaker Committee, Mai Mala  Buni, and Bagudu, would be formally presenting Daniel to President Muhammadu Buhari.

In his remarks, Bagudu, Chairman of APC Governors, described Daniel as a political colossus with outstanding political ideology.

He said APC had grown bigger and better with his defection, adding that the party was happy to receive him.

Akeredolu described Daniel’s defection as homecoming and urged leaders of APC in the state to come together to build and make the party stronger.

Responding, Daniel said the decision to join APC was well considered and thought out.

He explained that Nigeria needed leaders to come together and speak with one voice in order to tackle challenges.

“In Ogun, no better time because we have a working governor and needs support of all,” Daniel said.

In his remarks, Gov. Abiodun described Daniel’s defection as historic, saying that he supported his governorship election.

  1. “Daniel will add a lot of value to our party. We are a party, not a social club, before joining us today, his advanced party has joined us, we expected more people to join us before the end of the registration and revalidation exercise,” he said. (NAN)

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