Eleventh hour fireworks over ambassadorial postings



Pending the induction of the ambassadors-designate by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, an eleventh hour fireworks or lobby, has characterised the process, Daily Sun has learnt.

A source within the diplomatic cycle who is familiar with the development, disclosed that the list  released late last week, was still held under wraps within the Presidential Villa, far from the reach of career diplomats in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who should ordinarily have first hand information about the posting.

Though the source said some of the ambassadors-designate had already been notified of their places of assignment, he however said the posting was still a work in progress.

He said finishing touches on the list were still being carried out in the presidential villa and that  President Muhammadu Buhari had the final say over the posting of envoys. He said some of the ambassadors-designate had requested that their posting be changed for one reason or the other.

“The list came out late last week and it is still within the Presidential Villa. We were not even aware of the full list, except that some of us were notified about the posting.  But some postings will still be changed as some people are making efforts to ensure that their places of assignment are changed. It is not the final list yet.

“Besides, some of the ambassadors-designate may not make it to their first posting if they fail to secure agremo or are rejected by the receiving country, which invariably means they will be proposed for other countries,” the source said.

The Senate had cleared 42 career ambassadors whose names were forwarded to the National Assembly last year by President Muhammadu Buhari, including 41 non-career ambassadors.  (Daily Sun)

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