Hoodlums shoot 4 persons in Ibadan, cart away N800,000 from looted shop



Some young individuals on Sunday evening threw sanity to the winds in some parts of Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, as hoodlums unleashed violence on the Oranyan community where four people were shot.

Also, vehicles and shops were looted while the fracas lasted as one of the victims, who gave his name as Badmus Yusuf, said a sum of N800,000 was stolen from his shop.

The chaos, which happened at Onideore and Ogundipe streets, in Oranyan area of the city, forced some residents in the area to vacate their residence for fear of being attacked by the about 100 young hoodlums that invaded the area.

Among the four people that were shot, only one young man had life threatening injuries and had to be rushed to the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan.

Others sustained gunshot injuries which had been treated in a traditional way, an impeccable source told New Telegraph.

Information got from the National President of Soludero Hunters Association, Oba Wahab Nureni Ajijola Anabi, confirmed that it took combined efforts of the hunters and Amotekun operatives to quell the violence.

According to Anabi, a man simply identified as ‘Asoleke’s son’ was one of those people who shot at innocent people.

“Yes, it is true. We have even reported the incident at Idi Aro Police Station. I saw the boys. The young boys carried two guns. They intended shooting one person but the bullets scattered and hit other three people. When they came at 8pm, we hunters drove them away. I thought they had gone only for them to regroup.

“They came back around 12am again. We were helpless because they were running into densely populated areas where we couldn’t shoot. We, again, observed that they were young boys. How would it sound if we started shooting these minors?

“We were just shooting into the air to scare them. It was then the Amotekun operatives supported us and we were able to drive them away. But, they had vandalised four vehicles and looted seven shops.”

At Beyerunka, some hoodlums hijacked the worship of Ogun (god of iron) and looted seven shops where N800,000 belonging to one Badmus Yusuf was stolen from his shop.

In addition, one of the hunters, identified as Amada, had his phone snatched. (New Telegraph)

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