Father sentenced to life imprisonment for raping daughter since she was 10 years old


Man jailed for life for raping daughter since she was 10 years old |  Tribune Online


A High Court sitting in Akure, Ondo State capital has sentenced a middle-aged man, Olusola Alo, to life imprisonment for raping her daughter.

The convict who was said to have started have carnal knowledge of his daughter since when she was 10 years old was exposed when the young girl opened up at a students’ fellowship meeting that somebody was already having sex with her.

The young girl was said to have narrated her ordeal in her father’s hand, saying her father always demand sex anytime she requested for money from him for school fees, self-medication books or personal upkeep.

The court informed that the victim’s school principal reported the incident to the police while the father who was arrested pleaded not guilty to the one-count charge of rape preferred against him.

Delivering his judgement, Justice Samuel Bola said that the evidence before the court against the defendants confirmed that the defendant always demanded sexual intercourse from her daughter before he acceded to her requests were true.

Justice Bola said the defendant did not adduce any oral evidence to deny the evidence of his daughter or defend himself and found him guilty as charged.

He, however, sentenced Alo to life imprisonment. (Nigerian Tribune)

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