Governor Fayemi raises Committee on Creation of LCDAs in Ekiti


Fayemi raises committee on creation of LCDAs in Ekiti -

Ekiti State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, has set up a committee to look into the creation of local government councils development areas in the state.

This is in a bid to bring government nearer to the people and ensure more rapid development in the rural areas in line with the administration’s five-pillar development agenda.

Members of Committee are:

  1. Mr. Segun Oluwole  – Chairman
  2. Dr. Femi Akinola
  3. Mr. Victor Akinola
  4. Mrs. Sade Daramola
  5. Mr. Joseph Olaito
  6. Mrs Emily Fagesi
  7. Mr. Remi Obaparusi
  8. Representative Ministry of Justice

9 .   Representative of Ministry of Local Government Affairs

  1. Representative of Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
  2. Representative of Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON), Ekiti State.
  3. Representative of Ekiti State Council of Traditional Rulers
  4. Mrs Shola Gbenga-Igotun            (Secretary)

The Committee’s Terms of Reference are:

  1. Review the Local Government Development Council Law, Ekiti State 2014 and make recommendations on its relevance in view of current legal developments in Ekiti State
  2. Consult extensively with the communities where LCDAs secretariat were created by the Local Government Development Council Law, Ekiti State 2014 and make recommendations on their current economic viability and  suitability with a view to ensuring uniformity, equity, fairness across the Local Government Areas
  3. Recommend to the State Government practical steps for the creation of Local Council Development Areas out of the existing 16 Local Government Areas in Ekiti State.

The Committee has three months to submit its report to the Governor.

2 thoughts on “Governor Fayemi raises Committee on Creation of LCDAs in Ekiti

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